Chapter 24

676 38 13

Because I love you I am making a double update hope you like it! :^)

♡ E N J O Y ♡

3 days later

Kim Seokjin P.O.V.

I was getting ready for work when my phone rang. I checked the ID and smiled to myself picking up.
"Hey Jimin!"
"JINNIE! I've missed you so much." - Jimin's cute voice could've been heard from the other line.
"Jimin we saw each other yesterday"
"Yeah only yesterday! After you and Taehyung became a 'thing' we aren't going out that often like before" - I blushed at his comment and quickly denied. "We are not d-dating smartass!".
Jimin chuckled and replied with a teasing voice. "I didn't say that you two were dating. Guess you forgot to tell me something?". I end the call without replaying and went to wash my face with cold water to hide all of my embarrassment. How can Jimin say that? Of course I don't want to date Taehyung...right? I slap myself and ran quickly before I was late for work. They are really annoying I thought while trying to forget Jimin's comments.

Kim Taehyung P.O.V.

"I can do this" - I say quietly to myself over and over again, but I couldn't stop shaking. Bad memories came back to me as I looked the small paints on my desk. The paint brush fell on the floor leaving a green line on the canvas. I can feel tears forming, but I quickly wipe them leaving the room locking it. I sat on my couch holding my head in my hands disappointed in myself. "I couldn't do it...I'm sorry mom..." - I say trying to hold back my sobs.

I want Jin I thought and got my phone calling him.

"The number you're trying to reach does not answer plea-".I sigh in frustration and went to text him, but a notification popped up.


My princess 💖

- Tae I can't talk right now I have work I'll call you on my break ♡ love you :*

Call me or I'm coming and kidnapping you from that stupid cafe '-'
I love you too ♡

- Tae I really can't and don't joke around! 😆💕 I need to go take some orders now bye bye! :^

I'm not joking princess ♡



"He really just left me on seen?" - I say chuckling at myself. "Guess I am going to be kidnapping a princess today"- I smirked and went to get dressed.

*Later that day*

Kim Seokjin P.O.V.

I was walking back home from work when suddenly I saw Taehyung spying on me from a bush. I quietly laughed and thought of playing around for my own amusement. It's a good thing I learned some acting in school, fun fact I was actually the best actor in there, but anyway. I start walking slower then before and suddenly I stopped to get my phone out so I can turn on my flash. I mean it was so dark in here I was lucky Taehyung was standing below a street lamp. I smirk when I saw him coming closer so I quickly start to act. He got me from behind as if he was back hugging me which I found cute, but then I started fake shaking and crying. "Wait Jin don't cry it's me Taehyung!" - I was about to explode from laugher after that saw his eyes. He had a soft look as if he was sorry. I stopped laughing and went to hug him.
"I saw you dummy It's okay." He hugged me back and we started walking together holding hands, laughing about the situation.

??? P.O.V.

"Sir I couldn't get him he wasn't alone"
"He wasn't alone huh?" - I laughed annoyed from the new failure. "Why didn't you do you're work?" - I said glaring at this piece of shit. He went on his knees crying out load. "P-please s-spare me m-master".
"As if you shit" - I say pulling the trigger laughing amused. "You better do you're work or you are going to end like him". I said and went out the room lighting a cigarette. "Ahh Kim Seokjin you really are untouchable, but it won't last long" - I say to myself laughing once again.

I hope you liked the chapter! Love you ♡♡♡

- M

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