Chapter 7

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~Previously ~


♡ E   N   J   O   Y ♡

Kim Seokjin P.O.V

"T-Tahyu-ung are you okay?" - I asked and walked closer to him.
"N-No,but I can't tell you why" - he said and looked away from me.
"Why? What happened?"
"I can't tell you because you will hate me"
"W-what? I would never hate you!"
"You will"
"I promise I won't Tae..I MEAN T-TAEHYUNG" - I want to really slap my face now.
Taehyung stood up and now we were facing each other.
'Fuck I really messed up this time' I thought.
"Jin" - he said in a deep voice looking straight into my eyes.
"Y-Yeah I-im s-sorry for that I didn't want to tell you 'Tae' I just think it's cute an-" - Taehyung's laugh cutted me. I look at him.
"I didn't listen to me right?"- I asked him.
"S-sorry" - he was laughing so hard that it was hard for him to even talk that made me really happy.

*Knock Knock*

The knocking on the door stopped us from laughing and Taehyung went to open the door.
"Who is it?" - he asked and walked closer to the door.
"JUNGKOOK?" - Taehyung screamed in happiness,but I got kinda annoyed that he came as well.
"Dude I have so much to tell you so you see I was walking on the street and then this like ANGEL walked by me and I'm like 'what just happened?!' And th- ". He stopped talking and looked at me.

"Taehyung! Is that why you aren't calling me? Ohohoooo" - Jungkook said,but then Taehyung's answer made me blush like a red tomato.

"Yes why? I mean you cutted something with your knock's"

"W-what no nothing was cutted we were just talking" I hardly say because I was so emberessed.

"WE all know what 'just talking' is"
- Jungkook said and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"No it's-" - Jungkook cuts me
"Well I'm JUNGKOOK nice to meet you  pretty stranger!"
"Pretty?" - I ask
"I mean you are really pretty and
cute - looking if I found you first I would be cuddling you right now"

"But he is mine so hands off baby" - Taehyung said from behind

"BABY? I'M NOT A BABY TAEHYUNG I'M REALLY ADULT LIKE!" - Jungkook screamed at Taehyung and they started screaming at each other.

while everything was happening I only thought of 'why was Tae crying?'
'Why doesn't he call his best Friend? I doubt it's because of me...' I need to know why Taehyung was like that.
'Did something bad happened?'
"Jinnie baby tell him I'm more important then him!" - Taehyung's question made me come back down to earth.
"I mean we know each other longer then I know Jungkook so I guess?"
"Jungkook that is true nonsense! Now let's stop" - Taehyung told him in a serious tone.
"Sorry" - was all that could be heard from Jungkook's mouth.

'He Is really dominant' I thought.

No one P.O.V.

Taehyung,Seokjin and Jungkook we're  now talking all about their lives. Once in a while a laugh would be heard.
Everything was doing great as expected.

Why don't we play truth or dare? - Jungkook ask's out of nowhere

Taehyung and Seokjin we're okay with that idea so they agreed.

They sat in a circle and looked at each other.

"Jungkook you are first then Seokjin after that it's me" - Taehyung said

"Okay JIN truth or dare?" - Jungkook ask's Seokjin while looking at him.
"Do you love Taehyung?" - Jungkook's sudden question made Seokjin full on red.
"I can't tell you that!"- Jin protested
"It's okay princess we all now you love me" - Taehyung said in a baby voice.
"I-I...yes" - Jin said and Taehyung smiled.
"I'm happy to hear that Thank you jk" - he said looking at Jungkook.
"Okay now it's Jin's turn!" - Jungkook quetly screamed.
"O-Okay... Jungkook truth or dare?"
"I'm choosing dare because I'm not a scared baby like you guys" - Jungkook said to both of them.
Taehyung got closer to Seokjin's ear to wisper something that made Seokjin blush once again.
"Tell him to say who is that 'angel' He saw" - Taehyung wispered into Seokjin with his deep voice.
"O-okay" - Seokjin told Taehyung
"Jungkook who is that 'angel' you saw while walking?"
"'s angel gel really beautiful  guy and he told me his name was 'Jimin' " - After Jungkook said that Seokjin's eyes got bigger and he laid himself on the ground.
"Y-you know him?" - Jungkook ask's Seokjin looking at him concerned.
"Yeah I do...he is my best friend" - Seokjin breathed out.
"REALLY! DID HE SAY SOMETHING FOR ME?!?" - Jungkook screamed from excitement and stood up.
"Yeah...he told me you were handsome and something else I would never like you to know" - Seokjin said and laughed a little bit.
"What did he told you?" - Taehyung asked Seokjin.
"I will tell you but don't tell him please" - Seokjin pouted to Taehyung.
"Afcourse baby I won't". - Taehyung reassured him. After that Seokjin got closer to Taehyung's ear and wispered something.
"Jimin told me that Jungkook didn't seem to be that 'big'
but he had a musclen body". Taehyung laughed hard after hearing the comment of Jimin.
"Tell him he is right" - Taehyung told Seokjin.
"What did he TELL YOU?!"
"It's a secret that me and my princess share Junkookie" - Taehyung told Jungkook.
"But-". Jk was cutted from Taehyung.
Jungkook sat down and looked at Taehyung.
"Okay Jin truth or dare?"
"Dare!" - Seokjin said and smirked at Jungkook.
"See I'm not a baby Jungkook!" - Seokjin added.
"Okay! Now my dare to you is kiss me" - Taehyung said and grinned at Seokjin. After the dare was told Seokjin couldn't think straight 'I mean he was going to kiss the one he desired to kiss , but he feels like it's too soon but it was a dare so he couldn't say no...'
"O-okay!" - Seokjin told to Taehyung and now his dream will turn into reality.

Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for everything you are literally the best! I hope you have a great day/night! Love you♡

- M

HEIBDKDK GUYS I LITERALLY LOVE YOU! ; (( I CRYING HAPPY TEARS! I'M SO THANKFUL TO YOU!! THIS fanfic got 15 place in #taejin  and 87 place in #vjin
I littraly cried thank you so much!

By the way I just found I wrote           Namjoo not Namjoon :/ I'm an actual idiot.

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