Chapter 22

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♡ E  N  J  O  Y ♡

Kim Seokjin P.O.V.

I woke up finding Taehyung next to me I quickly recalled my memories from yesterday and immediately felt I was blushing. I tried to sit up, but it hurt you can say I was sore.
"Where are you going princess?" - I froze hearing his deep raspy voice from behind me. After that he tightened his hug bringing me to his chest. I literally couldn't breath, but I didn't say anything and tried not to suffocate to death. His heartbeat increased along with mine.

We stayed silently nobody saying a word we just listened to our heartbeats while the warmness hugged us. It was such a beautiful moment I didn't want it to end.

Nobody P.O.V.

They stayed hugging not facing each other. Taehyung had his arms around Seokjin waist making Jin trapped around him. Seokjin closed his eyes falling asleep once again in his lovers warmth.

30 minutes later

Jin was still on the bed sleeping peacefully Taehyung on the other hand had just woken up now sitting on his bed admiring Jin's sleeping form. He smiled fondly and kissed his lover's forehead before getting up and going to the bathroom to freshen up for the day.
Seokjin started moving around and finally woke up after. Taehyung was now just getting out the shower he looked up to see Seokjin.
"Morning" - He said softly flashing a wide boxy smile. Jin smiled back.
"Morning" - He said back and tried to get up, but it was hurting too much. Taehyung went quickly and helped him stand up while gigging a little because he knew the reason behind Seokjin's pain. Jin gave him a death glare.
"I'm like this because of you don't you dare laugh!" - Seokjin said
"You were the one who begged for it though" - Taehyung said back boldly making Jin's face red from embarrassment. "I-It's not l-like that!" - Seokjin said. Taehyung giggled and smiled widely once again saying a muted "cute" while patting Jin's head as if he was a puppy.

Seokjin went to the bathroom quickly after realizing he is only with the bed cover around him. He locked the door knowing Taehyung then let go of the cover making it fall on the hard bathroom floor. He checked himself in the mirror finding his body was covered with millions of marks from the one and only Kim Taehyung.
"Shit! How am I going to cover those I have work today" - He said quietly to himself getting mad with Taehyung. making him look like that, but secretly kinda liked it as well.

He took a shower and got out wearing only a towel. It was a bad decision. Taehyung pinned him to the door checking him from head to toes biting his bottom lip. "Princess what about a second round?" - He said starting at Jin's eyes. Seokjin looked at him with wide eyes and blushed. "N-No I can't I have to go to w-work Tae" - He said hoping Taehyung would let him go.

Seokjin didn't lie he really had to go to work and on top of that he was so sore it was hard walking. "I'll be fast promise" - Taehyung said taking jin in his arms leading him to the bed. "Wait no we can't really! And I'll hurt!" - Jin's protests could be heard. "It will be quick promise princess" - Taehyung said reassuring Seokjin then started kissing him. This was going to be a long day Jin thought and kissed back Taehyung wrapping his legs around his waist.

Hey guys I know I'm posting this so late, but I really don't have time I swear! It's a short, but sweet chapter and I hope you liked it because there won't be a lot in the next few chapters si be prepared ^0^ I love you guys so much! The next chapter I'll post faster I'm gonna write it right now and probably post it tomorrow :)

- M

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