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//I will be writing a new and updated version of this book soon. But this version will still be available to read. Sorry if you're a ftr (first time reader).//

Hannah's p.o.v:

Today was tiring, I had a horrible day at school as per usual. Claudia wouldn't shut up about some boy she liked and Bella wouldn't stop warning me about some girl on the loose. It made me wonder why I was friends with them to be honest.

I'm sat on my bed at the moment, watching TV. Suddenly, the news comes onto the TV without me pressing anything and it says 'URGENT!!' I sat back and watched the boring news until I heard something I did not want to hear. 

"These deadly Kidnappers have traveled around the country of America and are now kidnapping/robbing houses from Rockefeller Street. If you live in that area, please, and I mean, please! Lock all of your windows and doors and keep inside of your houses!"

I gasp, hold my hands over my mouth and let a tear escape my eyes.

"Thank you for listening to this important speech, stay safe everyone!!"

And with that, the news turned off and resumed the film I was watching before. I quickly got up, turned the TV off and ran downstairs to lock all doors and windows of my building. Once I finish, I run back upstairs to my bedroom and hide under the covers with my teddy that I've had since birth in my arms cuddled close to my shaking body.

"I think someone's in here, Finneas" I hear from down stairs, the voice trailing its way up to my room

"No shit, Billie. I thought doors and windows locked themselves" another voice, so there's more than one person?!

"I'll check this bedroom here, I bet there's some good things in here" just before I hear the door open, I crawl down from my bed and underneath it in hopes of not being found

I watch the feet make their way over to my clothes draw. I see clothes get thrown all over the ground and then hear the only draw I hoped they wouldn't open. My underwear draw.

"Holy shit" I hear their soft voice whisper

"Damn, this girl has some sexy underwear" I instantly blush and try not to make any sudden noises, "If I find this girl in here, I have definitely got to see her in these"

I stayed quiet since I didn't want to have her see me in them. Suddenly, I see her bend down to pick up a recently-used thong off of the ground. I flinched under the thought of having her touch them and hit my head off the wooden bed frame. Ouch!

She crawls onto the ground and looks me dead in the eye, "Hi baby girl, trying to hide are you?"

"I-I'm sorry, Miss" I say as I crawl out from under the bed and sit in front of her

"You can call me Billie, what's your name?"

"Hannah" I say with no emotions I could count

"Full name?" she orders, but a questioning type of order

"Hannah Rose Montana" 

"Wow, cute name babe"

"I'm not your babe" I say quickly but quietly

"Excuse me?!" she yells

"I-I'm sorry!! Just please don't hurt me!"

She puts her hand over my mouth, I guess to stop 'Finneas' from hearing me. "I'll let you stay un- harmed if you call me daddy for the rest of your life with me"

I gulp and say, "Yes daddy"

"Now kiss me"

"Kiss you?"

"Yes, do as daddy says now" I hesitate, "I said fucking kiss me!" she yells, making me shed a tear

I kiss her soft lips and feel these salty tears down my cheeks. She pulls away and wipes my tears away, "Babe, don't cry. It'll be alright as long as you do as I say"

"I'm sorry, daddy. I didn't mean to cry"

"I know you didn't, but I understand that it's hard not to cry when someone is forcing you to stay with them and call them daddy"

"So you know what pain I'm in?"

"Yes, every inch of it"

"Then can you please let me go, daddy?" I ask politely

"No! Just because I understand doesn't mean I'm going to let you go- you're still mine"

"Okay daddy"

Kidnapped By Billie Eilish [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now