Hotel? Nah, Home.

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It's safe to say that I'm calling this place home for now. I talked about my issue and why I'm here with the person that owns the hotel and she says that as long as I pay $200 a year. I said it was a great deal, since it was originally $50 a week. we shook hands on it, and I got a better TV installed and a V.I.P pass to enter the kitchen after it'd been shut down for visitors. I kept the bed the same and decided that the room was perfectly fine the way it was.

Suddenly, a loud knock interrupts my train of thought.

I walk to the door and look through the peep hole, seeing the lady who works at the front desk. I open the door wide enough for her to see me and smile before speaking, "Hey, what brings you here?"

"Good afternoon, Hannah. I was sent to ask you how you're doing in the way of snacks within your room. Are you well stocked up?" she asks politely

"Good afternoon," I look at her name tag, "Sarah. Er, I think i'm alright for snacks at the moment. I'll have a look quickly, just to be sure. You wait here for me, alright?"

"Of course, lovely. I'll be right here." she says with a smile

I smile back before leaving the door open and turning around, heading towards the snack cupboard. I open it and see that it was fully stocked, just as it had been this morning. I close it and walk back to the door.

"I'm fully stocked. And I'm sure I'll be fine for at least a week or two," I say

"Alright, sweetie. I'll be at the front desk if you need me. Have a great evening," she replies

We exchange awkward waves before she left and once she did I sat on my bed and sighed. Why do I get myself in these types of situations? I thought to myself as I looked towards the window beside the door that lead to the balcony. I didn't realise I'd gotten up off of the bed until my hand was on the door knob. I twist it and walk out into the cool night air. I look across the streets in which the hotel towered over.

"I wonder if Billie and Finneas will come to find me. What do you think, dead plant?" I ask, turning my head to look down at the plant pot in the corner. "Oh, right. You can't answer because you're dead - Just like the love I once had for myself."

I roll my eyes and bring my attention to a bird flying solo across the sky. Birds are so much more free than humans. They can fly away from any awkward situation. But of course, everything has its downfalls. Birds can't see glass. They fly into glass windows all the time, causing instant death. Pigeons are less free than other birds. Nobody seems to care about them. They get killed all the time because people have such little respect for them.

If you think about it, pigeons are like homosexuals.

They mind their own business, they do what they want but still live in constant fear of being killed by simply just existing. The people who kill them are strangers. People who know nothing about them apart from the fact that they wear flannels, crazy shaped earrings and have sexual attractions to people of the same sex. Homophobic people don't care what they've been through, though. They will just kill them because 'God hates gay people'.

Well, that's what they think, anyway.

God loves everyone. He made heterosexual people and homosexual people to live on his world because he knew they deserved a chance at life too.

And homophobic people also say, 'Jesus hates gay people too!'

He doesn't at all.

Jesus blessed a gay couple. He wanted them to live happily. He knew they loved each other and he found no issue with it.

I look down at my hands as a tear fell. I always get emotional when it came to God and Jesus Christ because it reminds me of my childhood.

My parents would always make me go to church on Sundays, pray before and after eating any type of food and was almost kicked out for kissing a girl at church.

The only thing that stopped them from kicking me out was the fact that I was their daughter and they loved me.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I started to shiver from the cold. I wrapped my arms around myself and walked back inside my room. I changed into an over-sized hoodie Amelia, the lady who owns this place, had given me earlier today since she'd hear about me not having any clothes to wear. She'd also filled my closet with clothes; she claimed she'd feel guilty if she didn't.

I lay down on my bed, under the covers, once I had my hoodie on.

I quickly found myself asleep.


I woke up from my sleep at around 3:13 AM. I yawned and lazily got out of bed to use the bathroom. I opened the door and stepped inside. I turned the light on and sat on the toilet to, er, pee.

I wiped, flushed the toilet and washed my hands before remembering that I had forgot to brush my teeth before going to sleep. I groaned and grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste from the side. I brushed my teeth then leaned my head forward to spit the toothpaste out.

If you're wondering where I got the tooth brush and tooth paste from, have a guess.

Got it yet?

Ah, right. If you guessed that I stole them from Billie's house, you'd be wrong.

Amelia bought them for me.

Anyway, I'm now lay back in bed trying to fall back to sleep. But there's one thought that's keeping me from falling.

'What if Billie sends someone out to find me and I get fooled?'

Haha, here is the long awaited chapter. I was gonna start writing it the other day but forgot what I was doing an ended up watching YouTube lmfao. AnYwAyZ, hope you enjoyed it!

-Rose :D

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