Holy fuck

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Hannah's p.o.v

"Fuck.." I think to myself before she hits me, "Oh my god!" I scream as Billie whips me. It felt good, not gonna lie but she had lust filled in her eyes
"You like that don't you, princess?" Billie asks as she rubs my back gently
"Yes Daddy"
Billie hits me again, harder this time. I hold back my scream as she grabs my arms and slams my back down on the table I was bent over. She rubbed down roughly on my pussy, earning a moan from me.
"Tell me you want me" she says seductively
"I-I want you, Daddy"
She pushed harder on me,
"Fuck, you should know just how badly I want to fuck you"
She grabbed onto me,
"Naughty girl! You do not say 'what' to me!"
"Oh my god!" I scream in pleasure as Billie whips my pussy hard with the whip she held
"Scream about all the things you want me to do to you" she whispers in my ear while she rubs me
"I-I want you to- FUCK!" she had her hand in my pants, "U-Undress me a-and..Finger me until I cum t-then- Oh my god~, thrust into me with a strap on!" I screamed, like she asked
"Okay princess" she smirks as she undressed me from top to bottom
She looked at my pussy then back at me as she inserted 2 fingers. "Oh my god.." I moan, "Hush baby" Billie says while she added another finger, "Please Daddy, go faster.." she quickened her pace and I held my loud moans. "You are so hot, Princess" she said just before slamming into me faster than ever before. "Daddy I'm gonna cum!" She went faster as I came then she licked her fingers clean before putting on her strap on, thrusting into me
"DADDY!!" I screamed in pleasure
"Damn, I want you to squirt for me princess"
"Okie, Daddy" I say unsure
"God damn!" Billie screams as she watches me squirt all over her strap on "Oh my fuck,"she says bending down to lick me clean.

Hi guys, I'm really sorry that this is short and bad, but I feel bad for not publishing for ages. Ily guys so I did my best. 🥺❤️

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