Choke Me, Daddy

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"Choke me, daddy" I say with emotion, the emotion of...Romance


"You want me to choke you?" Billie asks

"I-Y-I-" I couldn't even form words, shit

"Just tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you. That's my job after all" she smiles

"Your job is to give me what I want?" I ask, confused as fuck

"As your daddy yes it is"

"My daddy?" 

"Your daddy" she suddenly moves to look out of the window on her side, "Have you deleted the post yet?" , "No" I say smirking. She quickly moves to face me and begins to choke me

I let out a small moan as she wraps her hands around my neck. She looks at me as soon as I moan and pushes harder on my neck. At this point it's both pleasure and pain..I didn't like the pain bit at all.

"B-Billie" I say, half moan, half plead for help

"Excuse me?" she pushes harder and I moan really loud

"D-Daddy please let me go, it hurts!" I feel another tear fall, stupid fucking tears

She lets go and hugs my body gently, "I'm sorry baby"

"What are you sorry for?"

"For pushing too hard on your neck. I didn't mean to hurt you"

"It's okay, Bil-Daddy"

"Are you sure it's okay?" , "100 percent sure, daddy" , "Good" 

We start the hour drive home and it was very quiet, but a comfortable silence. Billie, of course, broke the silence.

"So, how old are you Hannah?"

"I'm 17. How old are you, daddy?"

"Oh, great! I'm 17 too!"

For some reason, she sounds excited.

Kidnapped By Billie Eilish [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now