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Kornelia and I got home after..whatever you wanna call it happened.

"Hannah!" I yell as I enter the building, holding Kornelia's hand
"You're back!" I hear her yell back

She runs downstairs and stops dead in her tracks when she sees our hands colliding together. I let go.

"You're so pretty!! Oh my gosh, I'm Kornelia!" Kornelia says obviously trying to lighten the mood

"Uh hi, I'm Hannah. Billie's girlfriend"


"Nice to know" Kornelia whispers with a smirk as she shakes Hannah's hand

"Okay girls, I'll be in the kitchen making food. You can go to my-" I make eye contact with Hannah

"Our room"

She smiles, "Let's go Kornelia"

They run upstairs and laugh as one of them runs into the wall. "Stupid head" I think to myself.


2 hours later and I'm still in the kitchen. Crying this time.

Kornelia's p.o.v
Hannah is pretty, but I hate that she's dating Billie.

Is it bad that I want her to myself? Probably.

"Hey Hannah," she hums, "How long have you and Billie been..together?"

"Oh um-"

The door opens to reveal Billie.

"Why do you wanna know, Kornelia?"

"Billie please-" Hannah tried to talk but Billie wasn't having any of it

Billie's p.o.v

I would react badly to the slightest hint of hesitance,

"Hannah she doesn't need to know! Stop answering to her stupid questions!!"

"Billie I can do whatever I want! You don't own me"

Is that what she thinks? That I think I own her?!

"Hannah go to the basement right now,"

"Wait Billie-"


"Billie stop being so mean to her!" Kornelia buts in as Hannah ran downstairs crying

"Do you want to be next?" I ask

She backs up on the bed and gulps, "No thank you"

"Stay here, Kornelia. Hannah's been a bad girl" I smirk

I run downstairs, slamming all of the doors as I make my way there.

As I enter the basement I can see Hannah standing there, scared for her life.

"Awe baby, this is why you don't act like as if this is torture to you"

"It is torture though, Billie"

"That's daddy to you"

"Whatever, 'daddy'"

"You've been a very bad girl today, and you know that bad girls get punishments"

I walk up to her as she back up against the wall. I grab her and handcuff her with red fluffy handcuffs and push her down onto the floor. I pick up a whip and undress her. I begin whipping Hannah's ass and she keeps crying.

Kidnapped By Billie Eilish [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now