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Billie's p.o.v

Today I plan on kidnapping another girl. Well, I don't want Hannah to be lonely so I guess I kinda have to but I swear if they kiss or anything, I'll have to slap them both 'round the face.


"Hannah, wake up babe" I say as I shake Hannah gently

"Yeah, I'm up. What's the plan for today? A day full of sex, a day of relaxation or what?" she asks me

"Well I'm planning on kidnapping another girl so that you're not lonely. Is that okay with you or do you want me to leave other people alone?"

"Go get me a friend, Billie, I hate being lonely. But yeah, you can leave me at home with Finneas while you get me someone"

"But I don't wanna kidnap someone that you won't like~ I feel like you need to be there with me"

"You only wanna fuck me in the back of the van before we get them, don't you?" Hannah says in a serious tone

"I mean, now that you've said that I kinda do wanna do that but I feel like you'll be tired of me by tomorrow since we'd have fucked 2 days in a row"

"Heh, true that. Now go get me someone, you stanky fish" she jokes

"HEY! You can't call me that, babe. Now bye bye, I love you"

"Bye bye, I love you too"

We kiss and I run downstairs, shout bye to Finneas and leave the house. I get into the van and start driving around until I get to the street a couple blocks down from Hannah's house, stopping outside of a house that was painted all over in yellow.

"Pretty" I smile to myself

I walk up to the door and open it. Who left the door open?! I walk upstairs and hear someone..Something..Moaning? No, nobody fucks themselves or anyone else at this time of the day, do they? Except for me, only I can do that. I walk into a room and see a girl sitting in bed looking at their phone. Both of their hands are touching the phone and she's alone. That's confusing.

"Hey" I smile

"Hey- wait who are you?" she asks



Oh?! Is that all she can say?!?!?

"Is that all you're gonna say about me coming into your house to kidnap you?"

"Lemme think about it..Yeah. My parents will be here in around an hour and I left the door open in hopes that someone would try to kidnap me since I hate them. My parents have been abusing me for 10 years so honestly..Please take me away"

"Awe hunny, I'm so sorry that you've had to be hurt like that"

"It's fine, I was a mistake anyway. I understand why my parents don't want me or love me, it's because I'm a lesbian. Nobody wants a lesbian as a daughter, do they? I'm a monster according to them, a selfish, useless bitch that ruins everything and everyone's lives"

"No, no, no, babes, that's not true. You're really pretty and you're honestly really hot, like, I'd date you if I-"

"-Were gay, you'd date me if you were gay or a dude. Nobody wants a stupid lesbian in their family"

"Listen, I'm bisexual and my girlfriend is- no, not my girlfriend...idk what we are but I know she loves me and I think she's bisexual too. You're not alone buba" I say giving her a hug

"Thank you so much, but please take me away. I can't live like this anymore"

"Okay, let's go to my van and we can head back to my place. Oh, and the girl I was talking about? I kidnapped her too. At first, she was scared and didn't wanna be near me or hear my voice but now she can't keep her hands to herself, it's kinda cute"

"Awe, that's sweet. But let's get outta here before my parents get here!!"


We both head to the van and I get in the drivers seat while the girl sat beside me in the passenger seat.

"Hey I forgot to ask, what's your name?"


"PRETTY" I shouted for god knows why

She laughed and shouted back, "HAHAH THANK YOU!"

"You're welcome now let's go home"

"But I'm horny"

"K then...Let's watch porn in the back of the van and we can masturbate to it"

"Sounds like a plan"


So here we are, sitting in the back of my van. *Cough* me and the girl I just kidnapped. I type 'PornHub' into google and click on a video titled 'Hot Lesbian Porn' I look at Kornelia and smirk as she giggles. The video starts playing and the girls are literally just undressing so I skip the video 3 minutes ahead and I go right to the part when one of the girls laid down on the bed while the other one rubbed her pussy slowly then I copied what she was doing to myself. I moan at the sudden touch and look to my side seeing Kornelia looking at herself. 

"What's wrong?" I ask as I moan

"I don't wanna put my fingers in yet, do you have any sex toys in here?"

"Yeah, in that box over there" I say, pointing to a box in the corner

"Thanks" she smiles as she picks up a dildo out of the box

She puts in underneath her and looks at me worried

I sigh, "Let me help you" I take my fingers out of myself and crawl over to Kornelia as I hold the dildo in place while I hold my other hand entangled with hers, letting her down slowly onto the dildo

"Oh my go- yes daddy~" she moans as she grinds down on the dildo 

"That's what Hannah always says when I fuck her" I giggle as I grab the box and pull out a special dildo I personalized yesterday night that has Hannah's face on the tip

I ride on the dildo as I watch the lesbian porn in front of me. It starts getting boring so I change the video to one called 'Sexy girls Lesbian sex, hot orgasms' I moan at the name slightly as I watch the two girls turn into moaning messes. The older girl started eating the other girl out and I imagined it was me and Hannah instead of the other girls so I began riding out my orgasms with my in-human speed. I moan in pleasure and I look down seeing that I had came over the dildo but I wanted to cum more so I grabbed the box and quickly placed another dildo next to the other one and held a vibrator on my clit, turning it on and screaming as I came over and over again, feeling my legs shake and shutting my eyes tight until I couldn't bare it anymore. I screamed Hannah's name as I squirted on the dildo; my eyes still closed. I kept grinding on the dildo though even thought I'd already squirted and rode out probably 30 orgasms within the past 30 minutes. In total, 1 orgasm every minute that went by. I then moaned extremely loud but fell over out of tiredness.

"Shit, are you okay?!" Kornelia asks as she stands up, getting off of the dildo

"Y-Yeah, but it felt so good but I need someone to-" I couldn't even finish but Kornelia picked up the vibrater and held in on my clit as I moan and cum again. I then help her hold it and throw my head back in pleasure until I literally couldn't do it anymore. I cry from the tiredness and clean the sex toys; putting them back where I got them from. No, I didn't clean the one Kornelia used because she cleaned it herself. But we looked at each other, giggled and dressed up again before getting back into our normal seats as I drove off back to the house.

Kidnapped By Billie Eilish [RE-WRITING]Where stories live. Discover now