Running Away

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A/N (1)

I have been the worst book writer ever with this story and it was one of the first stories I wrote; I think I was 10 or just about 11 when I first started writing and with little experience it turned out terrible. And yes, the storyline is fucked. I absolutely hate this story and really don't want to continue on with it but some people say they like it so I thought: "Maybe I should give it a go," I am! I hope you enjoy and that this chapter is a lot better than the others and that my writing has improved.

I wake up in the basement of Billie's apartment all alone, cold and naked.

I stayed awake all night thinking about my life and what I've got myself into. How was I stupid enough to let some stranger take me away? Better yet; how the fuck did I think I was in love with a psychopath?!

It isn't love. It's lust, that's what I felt.

I'm so stupid.

I should leave, but how?..

Ah, I know! I'll ask Billie to go to the bathroom then leave through the window as quick as I can.

I cannot wait to escape this place.


"Good morning, babygirl," I hear Billie's voice as she enters the living room where I was sat, eating a bag of chips

"Hey, bil," I respond, extending the 'hey' by just a little

"What are the plans for today, then?" she asks, thieving one of my chips

"Hey, you can't eat my chips! Get your own!" I shout quietly

"Er, I'd rather eat yours. Sorry baby," she said leaning over to kiss me but I moved my face slightly, making her kiss my cheek instead of my lips

She gives me a confused look then says, "You're acting strange today. What are you planning?"

"Huh?" I begin, "I'm not planning anything. Just in a bad mood, is all."

She then laughs and I stare at her blankly.

She stops laughing and looks at me then moves a piece of hair to behind my ear and I smile gently.

"Baby, are you on your period?" she coos

I gasp softly, "I think I might be, actually. May I go to the toilet?"

"Yeah," she says and I get up, soon stopping in my tracks when Billie speaks up, "But you gotta give me a kiss first."

"Do I really?" I ask

"Yes. Now do as daddy says, I don't have all day." she crossed her arms and closes her eyes, pouting her lips gently

I roll my eyes, knowing that she couldn't see it, and walked over to her. I placed a kiss on her lips and let my lips linger there for a moment before pulling away and walking to and up the stairs.

"Love you too!" I hear Billie yell from the couch

I laugh to myself and walk into the bathroom, being sure to lock the door behind me. I open the window which was surprisingly left unlocked and suddenly remember that I was on the second floor and jumping from here could make me break my legs.

I sigh and think about my decision. I make it final, and find myself climbing down the walls of the house that I was kept guarded in for so long.

When I finally reach the ground; I ran.

I ran as fast as I could until finally, I reached a hotel.

I walk in and go to the front desk to see a middle-aged woman with black hair and a nice smile.

"Hello, welcome to the Preston Peaches Hotel, how may I help you?" her voice was soft and soothing, a voice I really needed to hear at this moment

"I would like to stay in a one bedroom room, please." I say seeing the lady smile up to me

"And how long will you be staying, Miss?" she asks the smile never rubbing off of her lips

"Er, I'm not actually sure," I lift an arm up and scratch the back of my neck

"That's alright, sweetheart. You could pay weekly if you'd like?" I nod my head at her suggestion

"That'll be $50 a week then."

Once I got my key I set off to find the room 56.

I reach the room and swipe the key card. I walk in and smile at the small but homely room I'd be staying in.

If you're wondering where I got the money, I stole it from Billie. Hey, it's not my fault she leaves money scattered around!

I take a seat on the bed and gasp at how comfy it feels. I then let myself fall backwards into the cozy pillows set up neatly. Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I take it out to see the name 'Billie' displayed on the screen.

I let it ring out and disable my location so that Billie and Finneas wouldn't be able to track me down and take me back to their awful house.

I place my phone on the bedside table and feel myself fall into a deep sleep where even a fire wouldn't be able to wake me from.

A/N (2)

This was really short and simple but it's just a filler. The next chapter will (hopefully) be a lot longer than this one but I can't be too sure. If you enjoyed this chapter, let me know! And I would appreciate it if you guys would tell me - honestly - whether you think my writing has improved or not. I really hope it has because if it hasn't that'd be embarrassing lmao. AnYwAyZ- I guess I'll see y'all in the next chapter when I make one. Love you guys *>*

- Rose x

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