Going to Earth

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"Ugh that was weird... So if I remember correctly someone most likely Eggman/Dad (if you're in the Egg man child line) made explosion using the emeralds  now where am I?" Y/n asked, Rubbing their head. "Dad/mom are you- DAD/MOM WHERE ARE YOU"

"Hello? Are you OK?" A voice asked. Y/n turned around. It was a boy with a white and red shirt, and green pants he had brown hair.

"Do you know my Mom/Dad?" Y/n asked.

"Who are they?"

"(Sonic,Tails,Amy Ect.)"


"Yeah I know sonic. My names Chris. Your dad talks a lot about you and have been looking for you for a while." Chris told y/n.

"REALLY?!?!" They shouted "TAKE ME TO THEM PLEASE!" Their Tail (if you have one) was wagging.


"Tails. Yeah he's actually at my house he's fixing the tornado.oh, my names chris by the way."

"OK one more question. Can I trust you?" Y/n activated her Truth system.

"Yeah of course!" Truth. Y/n nodded as they followed Chris to his house.


"Amy? Yeah she with sonic and the gang. Actually Amys over there." He pointed to a tree where mama came out looking for something she spots Y/n and runs to them. You were grounded for a day for scaring her by not answering their com device. Its because you lost it in the explosion

Egg man

"WAIT WHAT?!?!" The boy shouted

"I said Egg man what you not part of the empire? Fine I'll find him myself!" Y/n said turning around mad.


"S-sorry no but maybe Sonic does." y/ns ears flop down. She took out a notebook and wrote

"You know sonic? If anything they could help me find my dad."

"Are you mute? But you talked just a second ago."

"I am but I use the phantom ruby power to speak sometimes." They write

"Oh I forgot my names Chris you can stay at my place until you find your dad. Sonic and his friends are staying there too."


"Nope but he might be somewhere in the city. I'll ask sonic. My name is Chris"

"Y/n. Y/n the (t/a)"


"I've never heard of that name. But maybe Amy does"

"ms. Amy is here? Is Sonic, Tails, knuckles, and any one else here?"

"Yeah I believe so. My name is chris."



"Yeah I know him but he's kind of a jerk." y/n rolled their eyes. "He and Sonic are fighting." As he said this Shadow and Sonic speed past Chris.


"Dad your soft side is showing~" y/n said leaning on a tree shadow blushed.

"Tiny faker..." He rubbed y/ns hair.

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