Princess + Spider-Kid = Disaster

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One shot written by shewritesall

Tony wasn't sure what to do. Did he return to Titan? New York? Queens? Where was he supposed to go to find peter? People were beginning to reappear after they had defeated Thanos and Shuri and Tony had worked together to figure out how to get everyone back. Tony knew they had succeeded the minute Bucky reappeared in the woods. Pretty soon, everyone else began to appear where they had disappeared or where someone else was. Tony didn't know how he would get to Titan so he was really hoping he wouldn't have to go there to get Peter. If Peter reappeared on a foreign planet and was all alone, though , Tony would never forgive himself. He didn't have much time to think about it before Star Lord appeared in front of him. Rocket jumped on him and he laughed. Soon the other guardians appeared and then strange was walking towards him, something small covered by his cape.
"Remember how I said if I could sacrifice the kid for the greater good, I would?" Stephen asked. Tony's heart dropped and he wanted to punch Strange for being so stupid. Peter was a kid! He deserved a long, happy life! "I couldn't seem to bring myself to do it," Stephen said. Now Tony was confused. Where was Peter then?
"Mr.Stark?" A small voice asked. Tony looked down at Stephens floating cloak and saw brown eyes and a curly head poking out at him.
"Oh god, Peter!" Tony exclaimed, hugging Peter, cloak and all. The cloak unwrapped from Peter and returned to Stephen while Tony and Peter hugged. Tony pulled back and made sure Peter was okay, no injuries or missing limbs. Once he was satisfied, he hugged peter again.
"Doctor Strange says we're in Wakanda,"Peter said against Tony's shoulder. "He said he saw the future and we won even though we lost on Titan." Stephen said nothing when Tony looked at him.
"Yeah, we're in Wakanda," Tony said, throwing an arm over peters shoulders. "Let's go meet everyone, yeah?" Peter nodded so Tony led him over to all the avengers and introduced him as Peter Parker, the Spider-Man from Leipzig. Even Steve couldn't find himself to berate Tony for letting a kid fight in Leipzig. He was too happy to have Bucky and Sam back, he just smiled and shook Peters hand. Peter could only grin widely and nod.
"Shuri, come meet Spider-Man," T'Challa said when he saw Tony walking towards him with Peter. He would recognise the suit even if it was upgraded. It still had a spider on the chest and the same colour scheme. The only thing he didn't like was that the kid looked about Shuri's age.
"Oh my god! You're Spider-Man!" Shuri exclaimed excitedly. She hadn't let go of her brother since getting him back, but now she raced forward to reach peter and Tony faster. "I'm Shuri. I worked with Tony to get you guys back. I've seen all the videos of you in New York." Peter grinned. He'd never seen someone so excited to meet him.
"I'm peter," he said. "Wait did you say you helped get us out of the soul stone?" Peter asked. Shuri nodded. T'Challa had no hope of talking to peter after that. He and Shuri began talking about technology and would not be interrupted.


Three days after peter and Shuri had been introduced to Groot, the three were inseparable and a major hazard to be around. Shuri and Peter had taught Groot every vine they knew and had even taught him games like The Floor is Lava. Everyone quickly learned that if they entered a room and the three were in it, they should backup as quickly as possible and leave. It was a big problem at meals because everyone had to be in the same room for quite awhile. T'Challa, Tony and Rocket has to make a rule that vines and games had to wait until after meals. It didn't always work.
"Be careful chirren," Peter said, grinning when he saw they were having noodles for dinner. "That's a lot of sodium." Tony gave peter a look but Peter was too busy grinning at Shuri and Groot to fully feel the irritation behind Tony's look.
"I am Groot," Groot said. Peter and Shuri immediately agreed and Rocket just stared at them in amazement. Of course he knew they had understood Groot after the first day, but he still couldn't get over it. Was Groot an elective on Earth too? Rocket doubted it, but there didn't seem to be any other explanation.
"Peter, we're flying back to New York after dinner," Tony said. Peter pouted and Tony rolled his eyes. They had been in Wakanda for four days; it was time to return home. Besides, May had called Tony seventy three times since people started reappearing to make sure Peter was okay. Then she had started begging him to bring Peter back and Tony didn't want any more phone calls. He also missed Pepper and was anxious to get back to her. After what had happened on Titan with Peter, Tony hadn't wanted to let Pepper out of his sights in fear she would disappear too.
"Why can't I stay?" Peter asked.
"Cause May would have my head," Tony answered. Peters eyes widened. He had completely forgotten about May! How could he do that! Of course she would be worried. She's had no idea what had gone on.
"Let's go now," Peter said. Tony told him to finish his dinner and then they would leave. Peter had never eaten so fast. Once they had both finished their dinner, Peter said goodbye to Shuri,Groot,T'Challa,Okoye,and the guardians. T'Challa let them borrow a jet and soon they were shooting off towards New York.

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