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By CyberWolfWrites on Ao3

Peter lets out a whoop as he flips through the air, shooting a web at a nearby building and using his swing as momentum to throw himself higher in the air. He closes his eyes as he falls, knowing he's got a few seconds before he has to shoot another web.

Opening his eyes, Peter shoots a web at the corner of a building, pulling himself upward and landing on said corner in a crouch. The eyes on his suit narrow as he spots something on the edge of a nearby building before they widen. "No way," he mutters to himself.

"What is it, Peter?" Karen asks him.

"Is that MJ?" Peter asks, tilting his head to the side at the person sitting on the edge of the building, a sketchpad sitting on their lap. "Holy... It is MJ. What is she doing on the edge of a building?"

"Who is MJ?" Karen asks. "Is she like Liz?" Peter's eyes bug in the suit, the black mechanical eyelids not even showing at how wide his eyes are. Spluttering, Peter nearly falls off of his perch, shaking his head back and forth wildly and waving his hand about.

"What? No no no no no. She's-she's not like Liz. Liz is kind and sweet and MJ, well she's funny and she's sarcastic and she's beautiful... Wait, what?" Peter blinks in shock at his trail of thought.

"So she is like Liz then. You should tell her." Peter just rolls his eyes, ignoring the AI as he shoots a web, jumping from his perch and swinging towards his friend. With a flip, he lands beside MJ who doesn't even jump.

"What are you doing on the edge of a building?" Peter asks MJ, who doesn't remove her eyes from her really good sketch of the skyline before them. "Woah, you're really good."

"Thanks, Webhead," MJ says, finally lifting her eyes to look into his, well into his mask's eyes. Peter's eyebrows scrunch up as he pulls his head away from her in confusion. "What are you doing here, Peter?" In his shock, Peter slips off the edge of the building and falls about twenty feet before his mind catches up and he catches himself on the side of the building.

Peter holds onto the side of the building, looking up at MJ who's looking down at him with a perked eyebrow. He shoots another web and pulls himself back on the edge where he lands in another crouch, sliding back into a sitting position. "I don't know what you're talking about," Peter says, his voice higher pitched in his shock and panic.

"Don't even try," MJ says.

"Okay." There are a few moments of silence before, "How... How long have you known? About me being Spider-Man?" MJ just snorts, shading in the side of a building.

"Since homecoming," she says, making Peter's breath hitch. Homecoming was a few months ago since it's nearly summer now. "You didn't really hide it when you rushed out of the dance and then it turned out Spider-Man stole Flash's car and then saved Tony Stark's plane from being stolen."

Peter's glad that he has his mask on because he's pretty sure his face is the same shade of his mask. "Oh." MJ, once again, just snorts. "You know, you're really observant. You said so yourself." MJ doesn't bother saying anything as she continues her very detailed sketch. "You never answered my question, you know. What are you doing all the way up here, sitting on the edge of a building?"

"Why do you swing?" MJ asks him after a few moments, setting down her pencil and looking into Peter's eyes.

"I swing because it gives me this amazing feeling," Peter says finally after a few moments of silence, of thinking it over. "I just feel at home when I'm flying through the air, sitting all the way up here, looking over the city... It's–"

"–Exhilarating," Michelle finishes him. Peter looks over at her with a smile, pulling his mask off of his face.

"Yeah," Peter says after a few moments. "Exhilarating. Is that how you feel when you sit up here, too?"

"No," MJ says, making his eyebrows furrow.

"Then why–?"

"I feel at peace up here," MJ says, cutting him off again. "The sounds of the city are much more muted all the way up here than when you're on the streets. It's much more quieter up here. Peaceful."

"I feel that, too," Peter mutters, closing his eyes and feeling the wind ruffle his hair. "Hey, MJ?" Peter says, perking up, "Do you want to feel how I feel when I swing?" Michelle just lifts an eyebrow at him, her eyes widening after a few moments.

"Wait, you're not talking about swinging with me, are you?" Peter just grins at her. "No, no, no, and, no. Not gonna happen, loser."

Peter just pouts at her. "C'mon, MJ! I promise that it'll be fun. Just a few laps around the block." MJ just looks at him suspiciously, looking into his puppy dog eyes. After a few moments, she rolls her eyes, making him grin and jump onto the floor of the roof, offering a hand out to the girl.

She takes it with an eye roll, closing her sketchbook and letting him lift her to her feet. "Hold your sketchbook to your chest, I'll web it so it doesn't fly off," Peter says, making MJ do so with a raised eyebrow. Peter sprays a web to both sides and turns around, bending down a little and gesturing for MJ to jump on his back.

She does so with a scoff, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist. "I'm going to web your legs and arms to me, okay?" Peter asks.

"Whatever, Webhead," MJ says, her head right next to his. Peter just rolls his eyes and webs her limbs to him before standing up fully.

"Are you ready?" Peter asks, gaining a nod. He pulls his mask over his head and stands on the edge of the building. He looks down before jumping off, wincing as MJ screams in his ear. He shoots a web at a building, pulling himself down a road with a whoop.

They swing all over the city, whoops and hollers escaping Peter and screams escaping MJ

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