Fruit snacks and ceilings

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Written by me, request by MadalynVenable6

(Btw I didn't proof read so sorry about any mistakes)

Caps PoV

Walking around the tower can be rather relaxing, sure the loud noises and constant rush of workers attempting to complete work by the deadline can become aggravating, it is rather soothing, gives you something to focus on. Strolling into Tony's personal lab, I see him already in conversation, with a 16 year old boy no less. Not wanting to intrude on the conversation I knock on the door to signal my presence, the boy instantly freezes and turns to look at who was standing in the door way. Meanwhile Tony gives me a blank stare, after a moment he turns his his gaze back to the boy and tells him something under his breath. The boy nods and proceeds to leave the lab room. Tony stands from his perch on the table and without any acknowledgement, walks right past me. I turn and follow him back up to the penthouse  about 10 steps behind.

The next day

Sat in the commons was, Natasha, Bucky, Sam and I. Out of curiosity I ask them all if they have noticed the boy that seems to be hanging out around Tony. As it turns out they had all seen him at least once around the tower, although none of us had a clue who the child actual was. They all came up with theories but the one they all agreed on being most likely was that this brown haired kid was Tony's secret love child or something.
After our conversation dies down, Tony decides to step into the room, motor oil stains visible on his ac/dc t-shirt, and somehow the conversation of the mystery kid is brought back up, though Tony appears to just ignore us as he seemed dead set on reaching the kitchen.

One week later

We had just completed an overseas mission, somehow managing to finish a couple hours earlier meaning more time to relax in the commons and actually eat some food that was reheated in the microwave, although as we stepped in to the kitchen all the avengers froze on spot. I move my gaze to the ceiling, where the rest of my teammates appear to be staring. And sat frozen upside down in oversized pjs and a little pouch of fruit snacks, is the brown haired mystery child that all the avengers had been theorising about for the past few days, though all of our ideas seemed incorrect as Tony announces that the kid is that spiderman from the fight at the airport. For another moment everyone in the room, apart from Tony, is still frozen until I blurt out "Tony, you made me fight a 16 year old spider boy because of our argument"  Tony decides to just shrug and exit the room. Hearing a thud to my left I turn to look at the boy who had jumped down from the ceiling. "Umm hi, I'm Peter".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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