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By avenger_assemble22 on Ao3
It wasn't a great day for Peter Parker, or a good day for that matter. Peter ran to his first period class, unsurprisingly didn't get there on time, and then had a geometry test. Which he didn't finish due to it being 32 questions, and that he got to class late. Peter sighed. Could this day get any worse? Peter grumbled through out the day, wanting to get to his last period class- AP chemistry. This class was by far Peters favorite. For one it had all his friends in it, and for another it was his favorite subject.
As Peter walked into the classroom, he breathed in the all too familiar smell of chemicals and bunsen burners. Peter walked to his table in the middle back row. He sat down and put his stuff underneath his chair. Peter pulled out his phone and started a game of Sea Battle with Mr.Stark. Peter had just hit one of Mr.Starks ships when the bell rang. Peter tucked his phone away when his teacher- Mrs.Wright- signaled she was starting. They were in the middle of a review over astro-chemistry, when his phone started ringing. Peter scrambled to turn his ringer off, but his teacher heard and gave him a knowing look. Peter cursed himself for not being fast enough. He reluctantly pulled his phone out, and put it on speaker. On the other end was Mr.Stark. "Hey, kid are you ever gonna play me back? Cause boyyyy if you sink my aircraft carrier i'm going to take the suit back!" Peter froze. "Actually, uh, mr- dAd I-I havetogobye!" Peter spammed the hang up button. His whole class was turned in his direction. Peter tried to laugh it off, but his piers were already whispering about the so called 'suit' that the man on the other end mentioned. Just as Mrs.Wright was getting everyone's attention back, one kid yelled out the question Peter was dreading. "Wait, Peter no offense or anything, but isn't your dad... you know... dead? And I mean you live with your aunt right?" Well shit. "Well, you see, I uh," Peter tried to think of a convincing lie. "Yes, my dad is dead. And yes I do live with my Aunt. But I have a sort of father figure so yeahhhh." Peter smiled nervously. Everyone just turned back to the review. Peter let out a breath. Guess i'll be putting confront Mr.Stark on my To-Do list.
When the last bell rang, Peter sped walked to his locker. He grabbed his stuff then slammed his locker. He quickly turned around, running into Ned, MJ, and Flash. "Uh hey Peter, who was actually calling you?" MJ asked curiously. "That was just Mr.Stark." Neds eyes widened. "that waS TONY STARK?!" Ned yelled. Peter shushed Ned, waving away the students now staring. Peter waited for them to return to their conversations before responding to Ned. "Yes, that was Mr.Stark." Flash narrowed his eyes. "So wait- you called him 'dad'?" Peter laughed nervously. "Hah... uhh funny story actually," Peter looked between his friends then just bolted out of Midtown High. When he got outside, he saw one of Mr.Starks fancy-ass cars waiting for him. He saw Happy in the front seat and sighed. Good, he didn't have deal with Mr.Stark just yet. But when Peter opened the back door to get in, Mr.Stark was sitting there in all his glory smiling at Peter. "So, I heard you sank my aircraft carrier son

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