Hawks eat spiders

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By shewritesall

Meeting Clint was kind of a surprise. Peter had been walking from his room to the kitchen, planning on grabbing a snack then going down to the lab, when he came across the archer. He was burrowed in a nest of blankets reading a book. He didn't even look up at Peter's appearance. He did look up when Peter asked if he was Hawkeye, the famous Avengers archer. When Clint said he was, Peter smiled widely and ran over to talk to the last Avenger he hadn't met, snack and Mr.Stark forgotten. Peter excitedly asked him how he fought aliens and bad guys with a bow and arrow.

"Its was so cool to watch you in Leipzig!" Peter exclaimed. He froze, watching Clint closely to see how he would react to the bees. He didn't seem fazed in the slightest.
"You're the Spiderman then?" Clint asked. Peter nodded dumbly. "Gotta hand it to you, kid, you did good."
"Wait, you aren't gonna freak out?" Peter asked. All the others had at least acted a bit more concerned or curious. Clint just shrugged.
"I've seen it all," he told Peter. "We have ant men, super soldiers and otherworldly god things. Besides, hawks eat spiders." Peter grinned. Clint seems pretty cool despite what Mr.Stark had told him. "What all can you do, Spiderman?" Clint asked. Peter began describing his abilities. He told Clint he could climb walls and Clint demanded he prove it.

"Okay," Peter said. He got up off the floor and walked closer to a wall. He jumped up and stuck to it. He crawled up the wall anf onto the ceiling. He crawled over so he was right above Clint then let go with his hands, dropping down so he was right in front of Clint.
"Now that's awesome," Clint said. Peter grinned and unstuck himself from the ceiling. He promptly fell to the group d, landing on his head and groaning.
"I can also see, hear, smell and feel everything better than regular people," Peter said. Clint thought that was pretty neat as he was partially deaf. Peter just shrugged. " I guess. Sometimes, though, I go into sensory overload and every little noise or touch freaks me out."
"Hm," Clint said, nodding as if he understood.
"Its really bad when im in public cause I cant tell anyone what's going on," Peter said. He picked at his nails as he said, "And when they try to talk, it makes things worse."
"What if you knew sign language?" Clint asked. Peter looked up at him.
"That'd be helpful, but I dont know it and May cant afford extra classes," Peter told him. Clint smiled.
"Tasha and I know it," he said. Peter did t see how that would help him if he didn't know it. "We can teach you."
"Really?" Peter asked excitedly. Clint nodded and Peter threw himself at Clint, hugging him tightly. "Thank you so much!"
"No problem, kid," Clint said weakly. He patted Peter's back. "If you could let me breath now, that'd be great." Peter let go of him immediately and scooted back, apologising profusely.
"I have a hard time controlling my strength when im excited," Peter said shyly. Clint just smiled and let out a chuckle.
"Dont worry about it," he replied. "I can even teach Tony sign language since you seem to be around him a lot."
"Im glad you finally remembered Tony," Mr.Stark said. Peter and Clint looked up to see Mr.Stark standing behind the couch smiling at them. "You ready to go play in the lab, Underoos?"
"Oh yeah!" Peter exclaimed. He got up and walked over to Mr.Strark. "Thanks, Mr.Barton! I cant wait for you to teach me sign language."
"Its alright, peter," Clint said. He pointed at him sharply. "And its Clint, not Mr.Barton." Mr.Stark smirked.
"Yeah good luck with that, Katniss," Mr.Stark said. He sent Peter down to the lab so Peter waved goodbye to Clint then hurried off.
"Thanks for helping him. Its always awful when he goes into sensory overload."
"Its no big deal," Clint said, climbing out of his nest to get more coffee.
"It is though," Tony said. He nodded at Clint. "Thanks for helping him out, Clint. I owe you."
"Ill remember that," Clint promised. Tony chuckled and followed Peter Dow to the lab while Clint stood by the cuffed maker. He was shocked at how much Tony seemed to care for the kid and that he was willingly saying thank you. What happened to Tony Stark?

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