Guys, I would tell you if I had a son

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By CyberWolfWrites on Ao3

The first time the Rogues figured out that Tony was hiding something was during one of their meetings discussing the New Sokovia Accords.  The Accords had been revised while the Rogues were on the run and they still need some tweaking even after the Rogue Avengers had been pardoned.  So, not long after the Rogue Avengers came to the Compound, they scheduled a meeting with the new Secretary of State, Tony, and Rhodey, and began to hatch out the mistakes of the old Accords and what to add to the new one.

"We're not making small-time heroes like Spider-Man and Daredevil reveal their identities if they don't want to!" Tony argues, standing up and slamming his hands on the table.  He glowers at the new Secretary of State who suggested that they keep the superhero registration system that also conveniently revealed who the superheroes were.

"That's not what I was suggesting, Mr. Stark," the new Secretary of State Thomas Ellis's hologram says.  "All I was saying was that all superheroes should be registered under the Avengers Initiative and will be called into the bigger battles if they are needed.  Their names would not be disclosed to the public and they will not be crowned as an Avenger unless all of the current Avengers agree."

Tony, now assured that Peter's identity will be kept a secret until the kid decides to reveal himself, sits back down in his chair next to Rhodey and Natasha.  "Why are you protecting that kid, Stark?" Sam asks, looking at Tony with a perked eyebrow.  Tony glares at Wilson and just manages to stop himself from standing again.

"Because he's a kid," Tony stresses, using Sam's words against him.  Sam opens his mouth to make a retort but is cut off when Tony's watch suddenly flashes red and blue.  Tony feels his face pale and he immediately taps his arc reactor that happens to be concealing one of the first prototypes of his nanotech suit and gestures for Friday to open the window.

"Tony, what–?" Steve is cut off when Tony blasts out of the room full tilt.

"What's going on?" Ellis asks, sounding bewildered.  The remaining Avengers, save for Rhodey who knows what the watch means, exchange glances.

"We don't know," Steve says, sitting back down in his chair next to Sam and across from Natasha.

The second time Tony is caught hiding something-slash-acting suspicious was a few days later on Friday at noon.  He has a phone tucked between his ear and shoulder while he scrambles around the common room, grabbing papers at random.  The team had seen scraps of notebook paper with complicated looking equations on them sitting around for a few days, but since they're still very iffy with Tony, they just ignored the papers and didn't touch them.

"I don't see the papers you're talking about!" Tony mutters into the phone, stepping around Natasha who's sitting in a nearby armchair with a pint of Ben & Jerry's 'Black Wid-oreo' ice cream.  A few moments of illegible mutters and Tony stops, pinching the bridge of his nose.  "Pete, I can't hear you!  Why are you even calling me while you're in the cafeteria?  It's not like I have super hearing!"

A few more moments go past with Tony waiting for whoever is on the other line to move to somewhere quieter.  Some clearer but still illegible mutters and Tony bends down next to the couch, pulling a few papers from under it.  "Who the hell sticks metal alloy equations under a couch?" Tony mutters to himself, tossing all of the papers into a red and blue folder.  The team just watch as Tony heads into the elevator and disappears behind the doors.

"What the hell was that all about?" Sam asks Steve–who is sketching from a love seat next to Natasha's armchair–and Natasha who's nearly finished with the ice cream named after her.

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