Sensory overload fucking suck.

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By maddiencir on Ao3
Peter startled awake when the piercing beep of his alarm clock went off. He opened his eyes to shut the damn thing off, and took a gasp of pain from what felt like the sun burning holes straight through his eyes. He squeezed his eyes closed, and fumbled for the alarm clock.
So it's one of those days then.
Peter slowly pulled himself out of bed with a groan. Usually he would stay home when his senses go a little haywire, but he had a Spanish test he couldn't miss.
Peter pulled on some clothes and walked out to the kitchen, trying not to curl up in a ball from the bright fluorescent lights. He didn't want Aunt May to know, so he just mustered up what strength he could and sat down for breakfast, ignoring how he could taste every single thing that when into the pancakes he's eating, how he can hear neighbours arguing two doors down, a cat mewing across the street, the loud clinks of his and May's forks and knives against the plates.
Maybe his senses are more than just a little haywire.
He shoves the rest of the pancakes in his mouth, and tries not to gag. He flinches when his chair screeched across the floor when he stood up, and says goodbye to May.
Peter thanks the lord that he has headphones on his walk to school.
Peter walks into his first class, English, and sits down right away, putting his head in his arms and just praying the noise will go away.
A hand taps his shoulder, and he reels back.
"Woah woah woah! Sorry Peter!" Ned's voice boomed inside his head and he held back a cry.
"Quieter please." Was all he could manage to say.
Ned carefully sat down in his seat, and lowered his voice so that it was barely audible to him, "It's one of those days, isn't it?"
Peter could hear it perfectly fine. He slowly nodded and put his head back in his arms.
"Peter, you should go home, this one seems bad."
Peter mumbled, "Spanish test."
Ned didn't bother to fight Peter, it never works, but he would glance over at Peter every once and awhile as the period went on. At least the English class is quiet. Or, it is to Ned.
For Peter, it's borderline unbearable. He can hear every students breath, the pencils tapping on the desk, papers rustling loudly, people coughing, a class is doing experiments two doors down, and something just exploded in the room, getting goop everywhere.
Maybe he shouldn't have come to school.
There's 5 minutes left of class, and Peter is about ready to just curl up in a ball and die, in fact, that's really all he wants to do right now.
Everything is just too much. The lights, the noise, and now his shirt is feeling super rough, he can feel every fibre and-
Every kid bolts up out of their chairs and leaves the classroom.
Peter does the opposite.
The bell sounded like a bomb went off in his ear, actually, make that 5 bombs. He reeled back out of his chair and curled up on the floor with his hands over his ears, eyes squeezed shut.
Apparently not everyone had left.
"Fuck off Flash, get to your next class before I make you."
Huh. That must be MJ.
MJ flicks her head to Ned, signalling to get Peter out of here.
"Hey bud, I know you don't want anyone to touch you right now, but I gotta get you somewhere quieter, so I'm gonna have to grab your arm."
Peter doesn't respond, it's like he's glued in place, and Ned grabs his arm, hauling him up.
Peter doesn't react. He's just too tired to care anymore.
That doesn't mean he can ignore how he can feel every single groove of Ned's fingers around his arm.
Ned leads Peter to the nurse, claiming Peter has a migraine. He sets Peter down on the too itchy bed, exchanges some words with the nurse, and Peter can hear the phone being picked up.
"Don't call May."
The nurse looked at Peter, then back at Ned.
Peter mumbled out something sounding like "She's at work."
Ned seemed to understand. He came over to Peter and whispered, "Who am I supposed to call then? You don't have a second emergency contact."
Peter motioned to his bag, holding in whimper. Ned grabbed the backpack and put it beside Peter. Peter opened the bag, rummaging through it before pulling out his phone. He clicked on it a few times before handing it to Ned. Ned read the name and his eyes widen as he walked out of the room to call none other than Tony Stark.
Peter had THE Tony Stark in his contacts.
He supposed it made sense, as he does save the world with him, but it seems so...personal. He wasn't even labelled Iron-man or Tony Stark or even Mr. Stark.
His contact name is Tony Stank, with a laughing emoji beside it. Since when were they so close?
Oh well, he can't dwell on that now, Peter isn't doing well (i couldn't write isn't feeling so good, i just couldn't)
"Hi, Mr. Stark?"
"Underoos, why are you calling me? Aren't you in school right now? I swear if you'r-"
"Uhh Mr. Stark, it's Peter's friend, Ned."
"Oh. Is Peter okay?"
"Um yes and no. He's having a sensory overload, like, a bad one. He isn't in class right now, but he's still in a lot of pain, and he doesn't want to make May leave work to come pick him up."
Tony sighed, "Of course he doesn't. And I bet he came to school because he 'had an important test he couldn't miss'?"
"Ugh that kid has no self preservation. Tell whatever adult he's with right now I'll be over in 10 minutes."
"Okay, bye."
Ned went back to Peter, and caught the nurse up on the situation. She seemed to be in disbelief that Tony Stark would be coming to pick up Peter, because, well, it's Tony Stark. Ned assured her it wasn't a joke.
All that was left to do was wait.
The nurse was checking him over, and of course he couldn't tell her things like how he can see the chip in her nail more than he can follow her finger, so he acted like he was too tired to follow along, which was also kind of the case.
He was exhausted from the ever present scraping of desk, shuffling of paper, and the conversation between a teacher and student 2 doors down. He just needed quiet.
Suddenly he could hear the sound of thrusters, and he let out a whimper. They were so loud but it meant he could just go somewhere and have peace and quiet.
He heard the clink of the Tony's suit letting him out, and his panicked steps as he entered the room.
Peter opened his eyes a bit, the light burning his eyes so much he shut them tight again.
Tony shushed him before putting something over Peter's ears. He flinched at the contact, but breathed out a cry of relief at the silence.
The ever persistent noise, was gone. He felt something slide onto his face, and slowly opened his eyes.
Finally free from 2 out of the 3 senses driving him nuts, he couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He started to cry as Tony picked him up, looked him in the eyes and smiled sadly, before exchanging some words with the nurse and bringing Peter to the tower

Their night ended with them cuddled up on the sofa, and Pepper chuckling softly to herself as she takes a picture.

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