Peter Parker Stark and his field trip to hell

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By DConan010 on Ao3

This ones a long one btw
Don't dawdle everyone. And don't forget to wait beside the bus. We still have to go over the rules once more," Mr. Harrington gestured for the class to finally leave the bus.

It took a second for the gawking students to finally get off said bus. The view from their seats was too fascinating for them to realize they reached their destination. Quickly they stepped out, still staring at the building, whilst trying not to trip over their own feet.

"Now, now," the teacher said. "If you'd be so kind as to pay attention to me, we could maybe get inside a little faster."

Immediately everyone was looking for their teacher to continue.

"Thank you. Well, as I said before, there are multiple rules we are required to follow throughout the whole tour. Don't fall behind, don't take any pictures, listen to our tour guide and me and most importantly don't touch anything. Did you all understand?" He looked at everyone only to see them nodding. "Great. Let's get going then."

"Don't worry so much, dude. Nothing is going to happen." Ned and Peter were walking behind their classmates.

"You don't know half of it, Ned. I honestly don't think I'll be able to relax. I mean why here of all places? I'm going to die. I'd rather die now than during the tour. Please kill me," Peter said begging to his friend.

"Don't bother. Mr. Stark is going to kill me if I do, and I'd rather not die just yet." He rolled his eyes. "But for real, calm down. You're going to give yourself a heart attack."

Peter did not know how he got himself into this situation. His fight or flight response kicked in the moment Mr. Harrington started telling his class about their field trip. When he told them, they were going to Stark Industries, he knew exactly why his body reacted the way it did.
The towers were his home. He worked and lived there, but nobody knew. Well, that's not entirely true. His class knew he had an internship at Stark Industries but chose to not believe him. The fact that he is indeed living there is confidential information. Even Ned didn't know.

And now here he was. Walking into the building he called home, whilst his classmates were throwing nasty glances at him. He wanted to curl up and die.

They reached the doors and were greeted by a massive hall, framed with windows and almost glowing from all the white.

On their right was a long desk, where two women were talking to each other. One of them noticed the group and pointed to them while telling her colleague something. Immediately the other woman turned around and beckoned the class over.

"Midtown, I suppose?" she grinned.

"Precisely Madam. I assume you are our tour guide?" Mr. Harrington stood beside her.

"Mandy Allison. My pleasure. And yes," she turned to the class. "We will spend the next 6 hours together. I'm sure your teacher told you the rules we send the school already, but I'm required to inform you about them once more."

Peter was growing more and more nervous. He knew most of the workers of Stark Industries, through all the time he spends on the lower levels when he got bored upstairs. Mandy and Bambi, the front desk lady, obviously included. He saw and greeted Bambi every time he left and entered the building, Mandy he saw when she led tours around the tower. He didn't imagine then that he would be in such a tour himself one day.

He shook his head, which Bambi sadly noticed. She grinned and winked at him.

"And of course, please don't touch anything." He was brought back to reality when Mandy clapped her hands.

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