Fangirl peter

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Im giving this one ago so.
Also thanks for 20k views.

Request from Im_a_salty_duck.

Written by me

Peter had been going to stark tower a lot for his internship, by now he had met most of the avengers apart from a select few. One of them being Black Widow. Peter was obsessed with Natasha, as much as Mr.Stark was one of his idols Ms.Romanoff took the place of number one on his list. So when Peter found out he would get to meet Natasha the next day, well he got a bit more than excited.

"Omg Mr.Stark I cant believe it, I actually get to meet THE Black Widow" Peter yelps out in his giddy bounce around the room.
"I know kid, im the one who asked her to come meet you," Tony replied "although it took some effort for he to actually agree." He mumbles to himself.
"What was that Mr.Stark" Peter asked tilting his head like a lost puppy.
"Nothing kid, nothing" Tony replied frantically.

As much as Tony was happy that Natasha agreed to meet Peter, he was still upset about the fact that he wasn't actually Peter's favorite avenger and was hoping he could cancel it and make it seem like Natasha didnt want to meet Peter but he knew the kid would find out and not speak to him for a week, and that would just be cruel, so he decided against it.

Next day

Peter was in his last class trying to ignore flash who was currently throwing little rolled up pieces of paper at the back of his head. As soon as the final bell wrung Peter quickly packed up trying to get outside before ffash so wouldn't get caught up and could get to the tower as soon as possible to meet his idol.

"Hey Pensis, wait up"" why you in such a hurry nerd".

Peter heard the insults as he ran through the crowded halls filled with students trying to get home. Peter, thankfully, made it into the back of the black car Happy was driving before flash could catch him.

The drive to the tower was silent apart from the clicking of his phone as he texted Ned about the fact he was finally meeting Ms.Romanoff.

Peter was sat on the coach with Mr.Stark, Captain America and Bucky as they were waiting for Climt to return from a mission he had just been on with the one and only Black Widow.

As they were waiting peter began to ramble about how awesome Natasha was,
"And shes such a bad ass" Peter concluded, but before Steve could but in with his iconic "language" a voice cool be heard from the doors of the lift.
"Thanks kid, heard you were a fan but didnt expect that much appreciation."
"Omg its Natasha Romanoff, Black widow, bad ass, best avenger , wow."
Peter shot of from the coach over to Natasha looking up at her with his big brown doe eyes shining with amazement.

And Natasha realised something right there, as bad as she was with social skills this is one person, kid she was willing to try and get to know.


I know its probably not very good but I gave it a go so please leave comments on what I could improve on on what you liked please and thank you.

Request from Im_a_salty_duck.
Hope this is what you were wanting.

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