-"See you soon"?-

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Minho's P.O.V.
I woke up to the beautiful sound of "Remember Us", a very recently released song by Stray Kids and not very surprisingly,  it was produced by Jisung.

Normally I'm not a morning person, I always roll around a few times before I rub my face into a pillow so I can wake up better, but this morning it was a bit different. I remembered how I texted Chan and Jisung the day before. So, hoping that I got a reply already I sat up quickly and grabbed my phone from the little table next to my bed. I turned it on in an instant, not remembering that I forgot to decrease the brightness of my display yesterday night. After getting flashed by the brightness, I closed my eyes tightly while I released a quiet groan. After rubbing my eyes, I opened them only a tiny bit to decrease it and after a few seconds I then could open my eyes completely again just to see:

"You've got 2 new messages, click here to see the details"

A huge smile spread on my face when I read that, especially when I saw that one of the messages was from Ji. I hurried to open the message as quickly as possible. Maybe he was still online right now. Maybe he just sent me that message a few seconds ago. Even though I highly doubted that since it was already 8:30am and their schedule starts at 5:30am, I had some faith in it. Who knows, maybe they were having a break at the moment.

Jisungie 🐿❤:
Ah, doing great too, thanks!
Good to hear that my little Meanhoe is doing great!
Oh and by the way, I hope you liked the new song, you know, "Remember Us". Hehe
I put a lot of work into it.

"Little Meanhoe"? You know that I'm for one thing taller and for the other thing older than you, right? So who is the 'little' one here, huh?
But yeah, of course, I love the song!
I mean, you made it so it's no wonder it's good haha
My favorite line is probably "Don't worry, we never left, still here by your side, even If you can't tell. Staying til' the end"
It's a really great song, thank you a lot, Jisungie ❤

I was about to put my phone away again to start my daily morning routine when it suddenly made a notification sound. Probably my mother who wanted to know If I'm already up yet, I thought and with that I shook it off but then another notification sound was made by my phone. I got kind of worried, what If it was something urgent? So I jumped on by comfortable and soft bed again, taking my phone and switching it on.

"You'vd got 2 new messages from 1 chat, tap to view"

I clicked on it without hesitation and the name "Jisungie🐿❤" covered the screen of my phone. So he really was online at the moment! Oh my god! My eyes flew over his text while I was sitting there, smiling like an idiot. I don't even want to know how awkward it would've been If someone walked into my room right at that moment and saw me like that. But that's not important now.

(O_O) a heart? Where did my Meanhoe go? That was unexpected but I take it anyways ❤

Well umm, yeah I'm really glad you like the song! It means a lot to me.
Also, did you sleep well? Had any good dreams? ;)
Haha well, I got to go now, our break is over but we don't have that much to do today so I'll have free time in the evening to talk to you more! See you soon! ❤

'Pfft, "See you", sure.. I can only imagine how it would be like to actually see you again, to have you close to me again and to just hold you in my arms and never let you go again. Ugh, I'm talking nonsense..'
Of course I didn't tell him that. I would, or more like COULD never do that. I'm just keeping it to myself.

Yeah, I did sleep well, thanks, hope you did too.
I actually had a really nice dream!
It was about you..

*last sentence deleted*

I actually had a really nice dream!
I had a beautiful, beautiful girlfriend in that dream and umm, we were going out together.. Heh, it was really cute..
But anyways, have fun at practice and hopefully we can talk later again!

Seen: 8:35am

I sighed and gave myself a little face-palm. I know I can't straight up tell Jisung I like him but- "A bEauTiFUl, beAuTiFul GirlFRienD"?? Are you serious Minho?? A little bit mad at myself I layed my phone down, grabbed a big, grey hoodie and a dark blue pair of pants out of my closet and went into the bathroom again, taking a long shower to clear my head a bit. It's too early in the morning to worry about anything after all.

Jisung's P.O.V.
I slightly chuckled after reading Minho's message, but not because it was funny. You could clearly hear a broken undertone in that chuckle.
'Girlfriend, huh? I knew I shouldn't even have thought that I could ever have a chance with him..'
The smile on my face that was covering it before completely faded away and I put my phone down. Just then, Changbin appeared from behind me and gave me a pat on the shoulder.
"Are you coming bro? Our break is over"

I just nodded at him and put on a little, faked smile. I didn't want that my bad mood affected anyone else or even worse, that somebody worried about me. We all have to deal with our own problems so I don't want to bother anyone. I know Minho told me that If something was wrong I could approach him, but it's hard to talk about it with him when it literally is about him.

I tried not to think about it so much anymore because I much rather wanted to focus on our new choreography, but as much as I tried it, I just couldn't distract myself from this thought.
I was lucky that nobody else noticed how I was dozing off the whole time, they were too focused on themselves and to get every move perfectly and in sync done.
I just wanted this day to be over already, I wanted to get back in my bed and just sleep the whole time. That way I don't have to confront what's going on right now and I can just be in a dream where everything is just how I want it to be. My own, perfect little world.

While I was lost in thoughts I, for a moment, didn't even notice how our manager had entered the practice-room and started talking to our leader, Chan. I joined the other members, asking them If they knew what the two of them were talking about, but they just shrugged with their shoulders.
Whatever it was though, it seemed to be very great news since Chan all of a sudden started smiling brightly. I could just see his gestures so I still couldn't make up anything out of all this but after just a few more minutes he bowed at our manager, making a thanking gesture at him and after that the manager walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
We all raised an eyebrow at Chan, giving him a sign that he should explain to us what they were talking about just now and so he did. We all sat down on the floor in the middle of the room and he started off his speech with: "I have great news guys!"
An "Oh god, everybody save themselves" came from our youngest, I.N and everybody broke out into slight laughter.
We then gestured Chan to go on with his story and what followed up let my jaw drop to the ground.
"I haven't told you yet because I wanted it to be a surprise and I also didn't want to make you guys false hopes If it shouldn't have worked out in the end, but I talked to the manager a few days ago and asked him that If we have a few days off we could meet Minho again. Guess what, he said yes!!"

After he finished that sentence I didn't even care about anything happening around me anymore. I was going to see Minho again and that was the only thing that mattered in that moment. I still didn't know how to feel about that though, should I be excited? 'Cause it sounds a little scary

Aaand I'm gonna end this chapter with a line from 3Racha's "Start Line"
I hope you liked this chapter cuz I honestly did not know how to do the second chapter at all. Also it's currently 5:22am and I thought about what to write the whole night, spending some time on Amino, texting with friends and just procrastinating.
So yeah, I lack a bIT of sleep which is why I deeply apologize If there should be any mistakes in my spelling or grammar.
Anyway, thanks for reading ♡

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