-second chance-

523 14 5

Minho's P.O.V.

"What if I tell you that you don't have to miss them any longer?"

I froze at that sentence, unsure of his intention.
After Changbin then slightly nudged me with his elbow since I seemed to have zoned out and I got back into reality, I hesitantly got some words out of my mouth, stuttering.
"I-I don't understand.. S-sorry?"
I asked politely, hoping that he would explain what he meant by his words.

"Oh, I think you do indeed understand what I mean", he paused after that short sentence and got up from his pitch black leather seat before turning his head to the window shortly and then back at the nine of us with a smile on his face, "I want to give you a second chance, Minho. I want you to be a part of this group again."

With that we were back to the silence and now I was not the only shocked one anymore. Jisung and Chans jaws both dropped to the ground as their eyes slightly expanded and so did mine. I couldn't believe what I had just picked up from that.. Am I dreaming?
So just to make sure that this was one-hundred percent real, I repeated a few parts of his sentence with a quiestioning undertone in my voice.
"a part again..? S-second chance?"

When he then actually reassured me with a nod while having quite a proud expression plastered on his face I suddenly felt like I could collapse any time.
Why do I feel that way? Excitement? Shock? Am I basically just nervous? Or a mix of everything?
If my eyes weren't already widened to their limits, I would have expanded them at least five whole centimeters more by now.

When Park Jinyoung realized I wasn't capable of speaking after a while, he decided to just move on and do the talking part himself.
"Look Minho, the others are always talking about you and now while they visited you, they told me about how much progress you made. That you never gave up and kept on trying, practicing..improving."

In fact all these words didn't help me to get out of my shocked state because I still haven't processed the news and now he just threw more and more at me to take in and process. That did not mean that I didn't like hearing it though, it still meant the world to me. But I couldn't say that out loud. No matter what I tried, my body just wouldn't allow me to say anything.

As I gazed into his joy filled eyes, waiting for him to say something again since I still couldn't, he got the 'hint' and continued.
"I just feel like this whole thing works better when you're all united. Also, remember that picture of every one of you that got posted on instagram? The comments are full with your name, everyone wants you back. I saw the potential and fire in you way back when I first saw you, but you just weren't ready for it then. Now that I look at you, I can see that you are, which is why I'm offering this to you. In the end it's your decision after all but I want to see you all perform together again so I can bring you back. So, what do you say?"

I listened to every single word carefully because this was like the most important and maybe life changing moment of my life so I didn't want to miss even a single syllable. When he finished, I knew this was the time where I had to say something. I had to pull myself together now, there's no time for dosing off from being too shocked and excited at the same time.

I got up from my seating position in just one seemingly confident short move as I looked down slightly to the still seated members of the group. The members who had planned all of this seemed really happy with the situation. I saw HyunIn [Hyunjin&Jeongin] giving me a thumbs up gesture, Woojin and Seungmin fist bumped a bit secretly and Changbin and Felix.. Well, Changbin hugged Felix happily, knowing I'd instantly accept the offer and after he pulled away, Felix tapped himself on the cheek to basically tell him 'give me a kiss' for which he just received a short smack and a disgusted look from Binnie.

Without giving them any more attention I turned back to face Park Jinyoung again. He was still patiently waiting for an answer to his question.

I made up my mind long ago and I also already know what I'm going to tell him, but first I wanted the whole room to become completely quiet again. And with that I mean that I was waiting for Felix to stop whining at Changbins smack across the face. It wasn't even hard, what a wussy.

Anyway, once he finally stopped I took a deep breath before speaking up.
"I would like to ask if I could maybe get some time to think about it. Can I sleep a night over it? There is really a lot going through my mind at the moment and I think I need time to process all of that first."
I bowed down a bit in front of him in an apologizing manner and stayed in that position until he responded.

Even though I could not clearly see the others faces in this moment, I for sure knew that all of their smiles just faded away at my answer.

"Oh, for sure. Take your time, you're of course welcomed to stay here at the dorms while thinking about your decision. Feel at home, it might become your new one anyway."
When I heard that I got into a straight standing position again to face him.
He then told us that we could now leave his office and he also advised the others to show me around again because it has been quite a while since I was here. We all bowed at him once more before exiting the office.

As the last one of us got out and closed the door behind him I could already sense the stares of the confused, sad and slightly angry boys on me.
And as soon as I turned around, a hand already met my collar, having a tight grip on that area of the shirt.

"Why didn't you accept the offer? We went through and sacrificed so much for you to get this chance and now you won't even take it?"

I didn't get intimidated by that in any way and instead stayed in a rather calm mood, talking softly.
"I didn't decline either. I just need time, also I have some reasons to not instantly say yes. You wouldn't get it."

At that, the smaller one by the name of Changbin loosened his grip and let me go, he still wasn't completely calm yet though.
"Tell us one reason why you shouldn't come back to us.."

At that, I turned around and said one last thing before walking away.
"I might tell Chan, no one else though. So Chan, meet me at the dorm room I'll be sleeping in for the night if you want to find out."

I didn't turn back after that.

I'm sorryy for not updating in so long ㅠㅅㅠ
And also sorry for this chapter in general. It's currently 6am and I started this at ~3:45am, my brain isn't working too well but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have an amazing day/night/...

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