
543 16 2

Minhos P.O.V.
As I was walking to my dorm room I could hear footsteps behind me, following me closely. I assumed it was Chan who wanted to find out the reason behind my weird behaviour and response to Jinyoungs offer.
That was until a hand suddenly held onto my wrist and stopped me from going any further.
I turned around to face the person but instead of Chan I saw..

"Jisung? Why are you following me? What are you doing here?" I asked with a very lightly 'annoyed' undertone in my voice since I told everyone except for Chan not to follow me.

An unreadable, stern expression was covering his face which confused me.
"Why did you say that you'd only tell Chan? Is it all because of me?" his voice cracked a little bit at the last parts of his words and he seemed almost a bit hurt.

But before I could say anything more than "Wha-" he already cut me off.
"Except for Chan I'm the only other person who didn't know about this whole plan. So is it really because of me?"
In the middle of the sentence it almost sounded like he would swallow some sobs so I wouldn't hear it.

"Jisung I said I wouldn't-" I observed his entire face once more while pausing my sentence. His expression was now readable and it was a mixture of sadness and despair.

"You know what? Yes Jisung, I hesitated because of you. There, are you happy now?" I said coldly, ripping my hand away from the grip that he still had on my wrist as I turned around and continued to walk away to my dorm.
It may have looked like I wouldn't care about Jisung and his feelings, but it broke my heart to tell him that as well.

Even though I did not take another look back at him, I could sense that he was about to tear up. He didn't go away, I would've heard his footsteps like that but no, he stayed in place. This made my heart sting terribly, making it feel like small daggers would stab me.
But I couldn't let that get to me. I had to keep on walking.

As I then got to my room, Chan was actually already standing in front of the door awaiting me. Guess he knew a shortcut or something, he has been living around here for quite some time after all.

Without saying a single word, I nodded at him and he seemed to get it, following me inside after I opened the door. When he got in I closed it again and offered him to take a seat somewhere. As he did so he started the whole conversation by saying "So now tell me, what was the reason for your hesitation?"

I let out a long sigh before answering him
"Jisung.." I didn't say anything more. I swallowed hard, being deeply in thoughts. Should I tell him how I feel about Jisung? I mean I basically even told a complete stranger but I never told one of my closest friends. Doesn't that make me a terrible friend?

"Minho, before you continue.. I want you to be honest, okay? I know about this whole thing with Jisung, so there is no need to tell lies anymore."
My eyes widened at Chans words and I was left there completely speechless for a moment.
"H-how do you know??" I stuttered nervously, asking for answers from him.

He chuckled a tiny bit at my reaction before he finally responded. "Haven't you noticed yet? Areum isn't real. She never was."
These sentences made me mad. He lied to me and pretended to be someone else just to get to know my secrets?! He misused my trust.

I got up from my seat and screamed at him a bit. "You are Areum?! Chan, I trusted you! How can you do this to me? Don't tell me you told him about it or you're dead to me."
He didn't say anything to that, he only looked down on his lap in shame.

"Minho, I'm sorry, I know it's not right but hear me out, please." He was pleading, asking for forgiveness. But there was no compassion left in me for him.
"No! I won't hear you out! I even told him he was the reason for all this, god I'm such an idiot! You know what? It doesn't matter anymore if I tell anyone or not so do you want to know why I wanted to wait before I accept the offer?"

I took a second to inhale deeply. Chan didn't say anything to that, he just slightly looked up at me again as if he was waiting for me to continue.

"I was hesitating because of the Idol rules. If I got back into the group that would mean Jisung and I wouldn't be able to date for about 2 years because of the dating rule. What was I thinking though, that he would even be interested in me? Tch, I can't even look him in the eyes after what I've said to him." At this point I was holding back some sobs and tears, I didn't want him to see me like that.

After he still didn't say anything, I decided to end this off. "Thank you Chan, for everything. Please tell the others I love them, but I will not be looking forward to any more contact with anyone." And with that I left the room, closing the door shut behind me and walking down to the streets with a rather fast pace.

All I wanted now was to get a taxi and leave this place behind. As I was waiting for another cab to pick me up and drive me home I got my phone out of my pocket and with tears in my eyes I selected every members contact. With shaking fingers I slowly clicked on the red button which said 'delete contacts'.

When I stumbled onto Jisungs contact however, I clicked on our chat. I read through all our conversations which then caused the first tear that formed in my eyes to roll down my cheek.

My fingers got closer to the three dots in the top right corner, ready to finally delete his contact and all the memories along with it.
But then a loud honk coming from directly in front of me made me jump up a bit shocked. It was a taxi that was waiting for me to get in.

Shivering slightly I took a last glance at the huge building behind me again before taking one step closer to the car.
I fought with myself the whole time whether I should get in the car or stay here.
'God, why can't I stop hesitating no matter what I do?' I thought to myself, still discussing which of the two decisions to make.

But it seems like it was already too late for one of these two options now..

What will happen? Will he leave? Will he Stay? O:
This is really an over dramatic mess and I'm sorry for that but wELp-
I get most creative at around 3-5am and it's not even 2am yet so mAyBe tHat'S whY
Anyway, have an amazing day/night/...

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