-Maybe another time-

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Minho's P.O.V.
"Can we talk for a second?"
Jisung said after tapping me on the shoulder, seeming really nervous.
I gave him a little smile and nodded at his question, joined by a short humming sound and a sweet "What is it?"
He swallowed hard and opened his mouth, he was about to speak when-
"Oi! We're all hungry so we thought about ordering some food. Just asking what you guys would like. Pizza? Sushi? Burger? Something completely different?"
Felix interfered as he sat down between us.
Rolling my eyes at him, I responded with a quick "not now Felix, can't you see that we were having a conversation here?"
He then looked at me intensely before he glanced at Jisung, wiggling with his eyebrows and having a smirk plastered on his lips. Ji gave Lix a not-so-gentle punch on his arm while looking at him with a furious expression.

Felix finally got the hint then and got up again, saying "I'm just gonna order Pizza then, sorry for interrupting~"
He winked at Jisung once before he eventually left us two alone again.
I tilted my head to face the squirrel like boy and when we created eye contact again he started to stutter, looking like the little bit of confidence he had before we got interrupted just faded away.
Scratching the back of his neck and looking onto his lap he then managed to say "I actually just wanted to ask if it would be okay for me to sleep in this room as well from now on. It gets kinda lonely in the other one and I don't like how silent it is" A nervous chuckle followed these words and I could see that that for sure wasn't the reason he wanted to talk to me in the first place.
Since I maybe would've given myself away if I said anything else though I decided to go with the flow and just agree to his request happily.

He took a glance to where the others were standing and got up immediately after he spottet Chan standing there at the kitchen counter while the others were ordering Pizza. I didn't even have any time to respond to that or to hold him back so I just kind of watched the whole scenario.
Well, at least that's what I wanted to do, it didn't work out as planned though since Jisung instantly grabbed Chan's sleeve and pulled the aussie somewhere along with him.
They got out of my reach of sight after some steps which was the reason that I decided to join the others in the kitchen because I would be able to observe the 2 of them better from there.

I got up from the couch and walked towards the rest of our little group of friends, not even paying attention to them at all. I was focused on finding Chan and Jisung and it didn't take long for me to spot them in the hallway.
I excused myself with saying I needed to go to the bathroom since it was a little bit closer to them and they let me go.
Instead of actually going to the bathroom though I hid behind some plants that we have in our house for decoration. The leaves of that plant were very thick so I hoped they wouldn't recognize my presence.
I got in position and turned my head slightly so I would be able to hear more of their conversation.

"Chan! You were supposed to keep everybody away from us, I was about to finally tell Minho when Felix interrupted! Why didn't you stop him from getting in between?"
I could tell that this voice definitely belonged to Jisung so the other one had to be Chan.
"I'm sorry Jisungie, I really am! But you know Felix, you know how he can be sometimes. He won't let anybody stop him from being.. umm.. himself.. which is just being a complete dorky idiot"
The response to that was just a harsh 'tchh' coming from Ji but Chan didn't want the little chat to end like that so he added another sentence, "but why didn't you tell him then after Felix left again? You had the chance to do so after all and..you actually still have the chance to do it now!"
Chan said, trying to seem enlightening and enthusiastic which Jisungie didn't really like.

"Maybe another time."
Jisung snapped at him and right after that I heard how some footsteps were approaching me in an average walking pace. I panicked at the thought of what might happen If he would see me lurking in the bushes, spying on them.
I crouched down immediately and tried to get away from my spot a little bit which only caused the leaves of the plant to make some noise which then attracted some attention of course.
My eyes widened and without having second thoughts I started running down the hallway just a little bit at least so they wouldn't know it was me in an instant.
Somehow I actually managed to escape this whole situation and casually sat down in the kitchen again where the others were still waiting on their food to arrive.
After some time Jisung then joined as well and shortly after Chan followed too.

While -almost- everyone then already had their food in front of them and dug into it, Chan was still waiting on his order. He was so hungry apparently that he got all dramatic about not being able to eat yet. It had gotten to a point where he even started to kneel down in front of the door and fake cried, 'praying' that his delivery guy would arrive very soon-ish. And what can I say? It actually worked.
Well I mean, when his food came, everyone else was already finished with eating long ago but it worked. Just a bit late.

When even Chan was done with his meal after a good 15 minutes, he joined us in the living room where we were all lying on the couch comfortably, playing some video games against each other.
We were playing Mario Kart to be exact and everyone was teasing Felix for losing against Woojin even though Lix is the one who plays the most games in our group.

Despite the fact that everyone had lots of fun, I couldn't stop thinking about what Jisung wanted to tell me before.
Did he want to say what I think he wanted to?
I got anxious all of a sudden and bit my lip nervously, thinking about it even more.
And someone seemed to notice that..

Another chapter that..well.. I'm not really satisfied with. Maybe because I lack sleep, idk sksks
This time I wanted to give a little shoutout to blxckarmy-  & kuraakumaa who are always supporting me with this story so much and just being the sweetest hahah
Also a little shoutout to Mxrxa_es5 and Potato0809 who gave me a little advice on this chapter bc I couldn't choose how I should start this one.
They're amazing ppl and you should check all of 'em out.
Also once again: thanks for hitting even more than 500 reads! It's just incredible.
I'm gonna cut this short now though bc I have to get up in 3 hours again. Have a beautiful day/night everyone!

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