-Guess I..don't hate you?-

645 19 4

Minho's P.O.V.
"Hey Meanhoe, are you okay?" A very familiar voice ripped me out of my thoughts with a gentle pat on the shoulder.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, thanks"
Jeongin raised an eyebrow at me, he clearly didn't believe what I was saying.
"Are you sure? You look so pale and just.. I don't know, just kinda off"
I 'threw' his hand which was still resting on my shoulder off and kind of snapped at him
"I'm fine, okay? Don't make me repeat myself, I hate that"
He stepped back a bit and looked even more worried than before now
"I'm sorry, I was just really concerned about you.. But If you don't want to talk or there's nothing wrong then it's fine" Is what he said and then turned back to face the others again.
'Wait, I didn't want to be this mean, it wasn't supposed to come out like that! I'm sorry'
I thought to myself but I wasn't able of saying it out loud. I couldn't apologize.

Everything was just too much for me at the moment, I couldn't even think properly anymore. Everything that was going on in my head was "I don't fucking like him, okay?!"
It didn't just affect my mind to be honest, it was also just like thousands of little daggers would stab me in the heart.
It's not that I didn't already knew from the start that Jisung would never like me back in that way but hearing it come out of his own mouth was something completely different.

I just wanted to escape this nightmare, these voices in my head were slowly killing me from the inside and I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to go to bed, just sleep. Even If I'd have a bad dream, nothing could be worse than today and that was for sure.
So I laid down and closed my eyes, hoping to get unconcious as soon as possible. But it just wouldn't happen.

Everyone went to sleep many hours ago already but I was still wasn't, lying there still wide awake. Whatever I tried to do to fall asleep, it wouldn't work. At some point I just gave up and started to stare at the wall and sometimes, as creepy as it may sound, looked at the others how they were peacefully sleeping. At least it calmed me down a bit, to know that they were healthy. That they were fine. And most important; that they were happy. That's all I need to be happy as well.
That's when I heard a creaking sound, a door was being opened somewhere.
I quickly rolled around and shut my eyes, pretending to be sleeping. I don't know either why I did that, maybe it was Chan whose insomnia kept him awake as well, maybe he wanted to get a glass of water. Either way I didn't want to worry him If he should see that I was still not sleeping.

The footsteps were coming closer, slowly approaching... Me?
I stayed still, hoping that who I thought was Chan would continue on walking to the kitchen but that did not happen. The footsteps stopped right next to me and through a little bit of wind and sounds I knew that whoever was there was now crouching in front of me. That's where I slightly started to panick and a lot went through my mind. Maybe it was a robber or something? But why would he go up to me? That didn't make any sense.
I got goosebumps all over my body and I was thinking about opening at least one eye to see what was going on but at the same time I was kind of curious what would happen next If I didn't and also maybe a little bit scared of doing so.

While I was still going over the question If I should open my eyes with myself, I suddenly felt a soft hand at my forehead and a warm breath that came from a silent sigh wandered over my skin.
The hand I felt was now slowly pushing away a strand of hair that got into my face and stroked my cheek lightly. I was so confused but I still didn't want to open my eyes yet.
Then I heard a quiet voice speak
"You look so peaceful when you sleep, I just can't resist. Guess I..don't hate you after all, hm?" a short chuckle followed after that sentence.
I didn't want to believe that, I couldn't make up whose voice it was for sure after all. The person spoke too quiet.
It couldn't be him. It just couldn't!

Jisung's P.O.V.
In the middle of the night, I believe it was around 4:30am or something, I couldn't deal with the guilty feeling I had the whole time anymore and with that got up to go to the living room to apologize to Minho. I slowly and as quietly as possible opened the door and walked in, approaching my target without hesitation. I crouched down in front of him and looked at his face after pushing a little strand of hair out of his face and stroking his cheek lightly.
"[..]..Guess I don't hate you after all, hm?" I know, it's not really how I wanted it to come out either but I didn't know how I should say it otherwise.
After I got that off my chest I was at least a little bit relieved. I took one last glance at his peaceful face, took the blanket and put it over him properly again. Then I tip-toed back into 'my' room and got back into bed, hoping I could sleep more easily now that I kind of apologized to Minho for being so harsh and just mean.
But oh well, it didn't help at all.
"You're such a pussy, can't you even tell him when he's not asleep? Can't you even look him straight in the eyes and apologize? That way he'll never stop hating you now."
My hands were gripping onto my hair and I repeatedly told my mind to stop saying things like that. It had gotten to a point where I just got so exhausted that I slowly drifted into dreamland and finally fell asleep.

Okay okay okay!
First of all: WHAT THE HELL?
This story passed 200, even 240 reads, it's even #67 on the # Minsung like-
I'm S h o o k!
When did this even happen?
Aah, I can't say thank you guys enough, really!
Thanks for reading my story and I hope I don't disappoint you with my chapters!
Also thanks for reading this one now as well, it means a lot!
I wish you a great day, take care everyone ♡

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