-a happy Reunion? -

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Chan's P.O.V.
"Does that mean we're finally gonna see Minho again?"
"How did you manage to convince our manager?"
Plenty of questions where thrown around in the room, everyone had various kinds of moods and expressions on their faces at the same time. The majority or course was really happy about the news, some were still really shocked, but one of our members had a really odd reaction to it. I expected Jisungie to jump up out of excitement but all he did was just stare at the wall with a blank expression, probably lost in thoughts.
He's acting like this pretty much for the whole day now and I wonder why. He thinks that we wouldn't notice but I for sure do.

"Yes, we are gonna see him again and, well, the manager and I have a really good relationship, he's almost like another dad for me" I exclaimed laughing.
We all smiled at each other, filled with joy about the thought that we're actually gonna meet our 'lost member' again.
Except for one person who just looked at the ground now and suddenly opened his mouth to speak too. What he said took us all by surprise and the mood got a bit more negative again.
"Do you think you would be able to even convince him to bring Minho back into Stray Kids?" Is what he said, he didn't even took his gaze off the floor to speak up, he avoided our eye contact.
There was a long silence where everybody just looked to the ground too now, the smiles from before fading away and turning into sorrow.

Nobody could say even a single word until I decided to break the silence after clearing my throat.
"I think we should get back to practicing now, we already took a very long break, let's go."
I stood up from the ground and the others nodded at me, still staying quiet.
I helped the others to get up as well and then turned on some music again so we could continue on dancing. The whole time nobody talked to each other.

-Time Skip-

We are already done with training for today and since we were all sweating a lot everyone decided to go and take a shower in their dorms.
Jisung was the last one to leave the room, excluding me, but before he could do so I grabbed him by his sleeve and pulled him back.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
I didn't respond to that and just slammed the door of our practice room shut. He looked at me confused and concerned at the same time, raising a brow at me.
"We have to talk, Jisung"
I tried to seem as polite as I could while saying that since that is a sentence that normally makes everyone who hears is pretty worried.

"Can't that wait until tomorrow? I'm exhausted." He tried to walk past me but I blocked his way with my arm.
"No Jisung, it cannot. Please tell me what's wrong with you, you've been acting very strangely the last couple of hours. Do you think I don't notice that?"
He closed his eyes for a second when he let out a long sigh. "I can't tell you the reason"
He explained with a rather cold tone in his voice while looking to his right.
"I see. Just feel free to talk to me whenever you need to"
He took a quick glimpse at me before nodding and walking out of the room.
Me eyes followed his steps until the door automatically closed in front of me and I was left alone in the practice room.
I packed my things and left at last, taking a long shower to clear my head and to get all this sweat and bad odor off of me.
Then I remembered that Minho still had no idea about this whole situation, so after getting dressed in a basic, long white shirt and some comfortable shorts I grabbed my phone, sat down on my bed and opened kakaotalk. I clicked on mine and Minho's chat and started to type.

Hey Minho!
Great news! Remember how I told you about that we were trying to convince our manager to let us visit you? Well he approached me in our break today and he agreed to the idea!
I told everyone straight away, they're all so excited! Me too of course.
See you soon!

I turned my phone off and put it down on the little nightstand next to my bed. I wanted to go to sleep early today because I was really exhausted and a lot was going through my mind.
But I just couldn't manage to fall asleep.

Minho's P.O.V.
I looked at the time and sighed, 5:45pm and I haven't done anything productive today. All I did was to open Jisungs chat every 5 minutes to see If he was online or maybe even texted me again. But nothing. He just left me on seen.

don't blame him though, I could've punched myself just for the fact that I even wrote that. I deleted the message after a while but I know it's no use, he already read it. But the reason why he didn't reply back yet probably must've been because he's busy, right? 'Cause why would he care about that message? It's not like he would ever like me back anyways.

After going through our chat another time I switched my phone of and pushed my face into a pillow. Right then I heard the vibration of my phone and I quickly grabbed it again, looking at the message. It was Chan.
He never fails to make me smile so maybe his message will brighten up my mood this time too.
I clicked on the notification and read through his text.

Hey Minho!
Great news! Remember how I told you about that we were trying to convince our manager to let us visit you? Well he approached me in our break today and he agreed to the idea!
I told everyone straight away, they're all so excited! Me too of course.
See you soon!

I couldn't believe what I just read there. It's got to be a joke I thought. Was I actually gonna meet my friends again? I was overwhelmed with different kinds of feelings, some of them being excitement, happiness, but also I was nervous. Nervous about meeting Jisung.
I shook that thought off very quickly though and texted Chan back.

Omg are you serious right now?
I'm so unbelievably happy to hear that!
Do you already know when you'll come visit?

Since I didn't get a reply for quite some time I decided to try falling asleep. I closed my eyes but I was still awake the whole night, just revising everything in my mind that has happened the last couple of days.

hoped you liked the chapter.
Sorry If it wasn't as good as the others or anything, I'm just kind of unmotivated to write at the moment. But at the same time I wanted to post another chapter to distract myself a bit from my irl struggles.
Anyways, opinions on this are greatly appreciated, have a great day ♡

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