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"You never let me speak to you properly yet and now you already want to leave?"

A voice suddenly appeared behind me.
That voice sounded oh too familiar.
And because it sounded so familiar, I didn't turn around to check. I knew who that person was and I knew that I wouldn't be able to look at his face.
I hurt him and it would break my heart even more if I saw his probably sad expression at the moment.

So I just looked to the ground, wanting to take another step toward the taxi but..
His voice stopped me again. And before I realized it, the car drove away with someone else in it.

"Do you remember when I wanted to tell you something back at your place? When Felix interrupted our conversation?"
He sounded like he was close to crying, his voice was shivering a lot.
"What do you think did I want to tell you there? Why do you think I got so jealous when I asked you about this 'Areum', when you said you liked her and all that?"

While he said that I could hear soft footsteps from behind so I assumed that he's approaching me while I still had my back turned to him.

"Don't pretend! Chan already told me that he knows everything. He also told me you would know that in reality HE is Areum, so that 'jealous' thing was probably all for show." Quiet sobs escaped my mouth along with these words.

"It's true,", he took a short break before continuing to speak, "I know that Chan is Areum. But I didn't know back when I saw 'her' name on the screen. Chan never told me about it until the day where I approached you to talk to you."

I was now fighting back a small tear. I didn't believe him, and I made sure that he knows that.
"Liar. You two planned it together, that's why it also were the both of you who didn't get included in the plan from all the other members. You can't fool me"
I couldn't believe that I was talking this harsh to the person I love.

"Minho, do you really think I would lie to you?" I suddenly felt two arms around me which were holding me tight.
"I wouldn't dare to lie to you.. I love you."
My eyes widened at these words.
But I was hesitating to return the warm hug. 'Hesitating like always' my thoughts were telling me.
And that thought was the reason why I finally hugged him back, because it annoyed me that no matter what I was doing, I was always hesitating. And I wanted to change that, starting now.

"I.. love you too, Jisung."
I whispered underneath my breath. But Jisung heard it.
"So will you stay with me? ..with us?" He asked with an obvious nervous undertone in his voice.

Right then all the other members came running out of the building, looking at us both while panting from exhaustion.
My eyes observed every single one of them until they reached our leader, Chan.
I looked differently at him than at all the others. For one I was still disappointed at him and at the same time angry.

Then my gaze went back to Jisung who kept the eye contact with me as long as I was speaking.
"I want to. I really do, but I don't know if I can"
After that he looked down to his own feet.
"I understand.." His eyes got watery after saying that.
He looked up once more to observe every detail about me before giving me a slight smile, obviously fake.

"I hope you make the right decision and no matter what that might be I'm proud of you and I will support you with your choice."
A single tear started rolling down his cheek before he turned around and took a few steps closer to the other members who were still standing right in front of the entrance of the building, watching and listening to us.
Then suddenly..

The voice made me raise my head.
Chan was stepping forward.
"Minho, I know what I did wasn't right but please, don't let me be the reason for this to be ruined. I don't know how I can apologize to you, but I really just tried to help"
He, also, seemed like he was close to tears.

I took a deep breath and looked at him with no readable expression on my face.
"Chan, I won't forgive you this easily and you know that, "
-"I know but I'm begging you-" I cut him off.
"Let me finish my sentence."
He apoligized and I continued.

"I won't forgive you this easily..but I love you anyway. You are like a brother to me and I care for you. You've always been there to cheer me up when I needed it and I know that you just tried to help. But you misused my trust and you need to unterstand that I'll need some time before I can trust you again.
This, however, won't be a reason for me to decline the offer of getting back to all of you."

While I was talking there were a lot of tears rolling down Chans face.
"So does that mean you'll come back to us then?" Our oldest member Woojin asked.
I chuckled. "Having the opportunity to finally get reunited with your best friends and spending the rest of your days with them? I never even doubted the idea"
With that, smiles spread across everyones face.

Before I had the time to comprehend all the things that just happened I was overwhelmed by a very tight hug from no other than Jisung.
I hugged him back in an instant but I pulled away really quickly which made him confused.

I looked him deeply in the eyes and cupped his face with my hands.
"I've been wanting to do this ever since I first met you"
And with that, our lips touched.
Noise broke out all of a sudden and the reason for it were the 7 other people from our group who were cheering us on.
Except for Changbin, he was too busy covering our youngest ones eyes.

We pulled away and smiled at each other. We were genuinely happy, and there was nothing that could change that anymore.

We went up to the others, and together, we walked inside the building again. Hand in hand.

                 -    -     -     -     -     -     -     -    -

The news spread quickly.
Fans were touched and really happy about my returning.
A news article about Jisung and me dating went around too. Apparently a news reporter had been around when we kissed because there was a photo of exactly that scene.
But the reaction of people was different than I expected.
They supported us, they cheered us on too.
We didn't have to hide it nor be embarrassed.
It all turned out better than I could've ever imagined it to be.
StrayKids was finally completed.

Such a long hiatus and then coming back with this-
I'm really sorry, and I'm also sorry that this story had such an abrupt ending now.
But I'm really stressed, I'm in my last year of school and I have a lot to do which takes away a bit of the ability to write all the time.

Incomplete is now actually Completed and I can't believe it. It was quite a long way til here and I'm sad it's over
On the other hand I'm just so incredibly grateful for all this feedback I received.
Over 900 views, it's just insane!
Thank you for reading this story til here.
Have a great day, night,...

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