-a familiar place-

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About 20 minutes passed and there was a very awkward atmosphere inside the car. No one really talked, they all just looked out of the window, to the ground or even at the ceiling of the vehicle, everything just to avoid any kind of eye-contact.
It made me even more anxious. Sitting in the car of a random, intimidating guy, having no clue of where he will bring us and then there's not even any conversation going on or something like that. It made me uncomfortable.
I wanted to break the silence so badly but.. with what? If I ask where we're heading to - if they even know, that is - I don't think I'll get an answer other than 'you'll see'.
But then I got an idea to figure it out. I remembered the conversation between Woojin and Chan.

"We're going to fullfill Jisungs wish that he made shortly before we left to see Minho."
That were Woojins exact words.

I'm so unbelievably happy about the fact that Jisung is sitting right next to me.
With my plan in mind, I tapped him on his shoulder and he tilted his head and turned to look straight at me. He was one of the few people like me who were confused and not included in the plan either, right? So there shouldn't be any reason for him not to answer the question I was about to ask him.

He let out a humming sound, almost seeming impatient and waiting for me to talk to him. And so I did. I leaned in a bit and whispered into his ear really quietly so no one else would hear, my warm breath brushing against his skin slightly. "Jisungie, do you remember wishing for something a few days before you all came to visit me?"
When I got back into my original seating position after getting away from his ear, I only saw a confused squirrel in front of me at first. He had raised an eyebrow at me and just seemed so irritated by such a random question.

Apparently he also never learned what being quiet means because the next thing he did was just repeat a few last words of my sentence out loud, even emphasising the "wish" with a questioning undertone.
I covered his mouth quickly and gave the others, which of course looked at us both curiously and suspiciously, a nervous yet reassuring smile to give them the hint that there was nothing to worry about.
As soon as they all turned their gazes away from us again, I gave Jisung a flick on the forehead and he silently apologized to me.

Then after a few moments of silence where he stared at his lap, thinking of an answer to my question, a bell apparently rang in his head because he abruptly looked at me with a shocked expression.
I raised a brow at him so he would tell me what came to his mind but he hesitated with answering.

"There is one thing I wished for actually. But it's impossible to make that wish reality."
He mumbled to me as I kept nagging him for telling me what it was anyway. But he refused.

Jisung's P.O.V.
I was about to tell Minho that there was nothing I wished for before our departure when something suddenly came to my mind. When Chan told us about the news that we'd be able to see our former member again, I wished for Minho to come back into the group again. I asked if it was possible to bring him back. But it isn't and I'm aware of that. So I shook it off and told him that there in fact was something I wished for, but that it wouldn't be possible for it to become reality. He kept nagging me to tell him but I refused. He was like a little kid nagging his mother to buy him some sweets, how cute.

Minho eventually gave up at some point and started staring out of the window after huffing at me.
Everyone continued to keep quiet during the entire rest of the ride which were approximately another 20 minutes or so.

When the car came to a stop and we all got out, we saw a quite familiar building in front of us and as soon as my eyes saw the letters spelling "JYP" above the door, I couldn't contain myself anymore.
I approached the part of our group who planned all of this with a slightly bad temper and spoke directly to them.
"Is this some kind of joke right now?!"

They all seemed kind of confused at my reaction and stepped back a little bit when Felix tried to calm the situation and especially me down by walking towards me and holding my arms back a bit so I wouldn't lash out for someone.
"How about we just all walk inside before anything happens? Jisung, calm down if you don't even know what this is about."
Seung-mean then coldly said as he looked at me angrily  and the others agreed on that plan so I went with it as well.

The black clothed man who was our chauffeur for the ride had stepped out a while ago already and now led us to the doors, holding them open for us to enter.
As we did so we were almost instantly greeted by the one and only Jin-young Park, the owner of this entire Entertainment.
Of course we bowed at him as we greeted back in unison and he then asked us to follow him into his office without saying anything more.

Still nervous about this whole thing, we all walked to his office with him as a lot of thoughts went through my mind such as  'Did we do anything wrong?' or 'What is gonna happen?'.
After our arrival, he asked us inside the room and everyone sat down. 9 pairs of eyes were now staring at him and you could now clearly see the nervousity in everyone.
The atmosphere got tense.

"Lee Min-ho. I'm so happy to see you again. You've matured and changed a lot since I last saw you." He started to talk in a soothing voice.
Yet Minho was still very nervous and also slightly confuses which caused him to stutter a bit. "T-thanks sir. I'm really glad to be able to be here and see everyone again too."

At this point the whole conversation was just JYP and Minho talking to each other while everyone around listened closely.
"It's been quite a while, hasn't it?" Park Jinyoung asked him and he nodded, being a bit speechless since he could still not process the fact that he was back here.
"Did you guys enjoy your time at your place? You sure must miss them a lot, don't you?"
Again, Minho nodded at his question, this time even adding a sentence to it. "Yes, I really do miss all of them a lot but I'm happy that I could be with them for a bit now"

Then there was silence in the room. It made everyone a bit uneasy and you could tell from Minhos expression that he sure was panicking because he thought he said something wrong.
That was when..

"What if I tell you that you don't have to miss them any longer?"

wOAH it's been such a long time since I updated, I'm sorry! I even had this chap ready for quite some time now but I decided to not publish it until now, don't ask why.
Anyways, I hope it's not toooo bad and umm, hope you're looking forward to the next chapter just like me.
Have a lovely day/night ♡

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