-a Dream-

638 21 29

Minho's P.O.V.

The alarm of one of our members echoed through the room and slowly woke everyone up. I was pretty sure that it was Seungmins alarm since "I don't want to love you~", a line from Day6' 121U [Funfact: one of my fav. songs, stan Day6] pierced my ears.

I sat up tiredly due to my lack of sleep and waited until the others would do the same. Surprisingly, it didn't take long for them to actually do so.
I rubbed my eyes, wished everybody a good morning and slowly got up to prepare breakfast.
Most of them joined me in the kitchen and helped me putting everything on the table while Chan and Jisung came out of their rooms as well, almost in the exact same moment. As soon as they saw each other, Jisung gave him a death glare and Chan looked down to his feet with a sad and kind of apologizing expression on his face.
I wished them a good morning as well and so did the others.

After everything was placed on the table, everyone sat down and dug right into the food. I hesitated a little bit though and Hyunjin and Woojin seemed to have noticed which is why they both asked in the exact same second "Is everything alright?". This attracted the attention of all the others as well now.
Unsure of what to say, I just looked at them for a few seconds and then stuttered, trying to get sentences that actually made sense out of my mouth.
" I.. Umm.. It's.." I sighed and finally pulled myself together "Yes. Everything is alright, I just had a weird dream I guess"
I regretted saying that last part immediately when I saw the curious faces that were now looking at me, just waiting for me to tell them every single detail of that dream.

I rolled my eyes at them and they got the hint that I probably didn't want to talk about it. That didn't mean they'd gave up though.
"Oh come oon~ tell us about it" Our youngest, Jeongin, said while poking my cheek repetitively.
It got on my nerves and I was about to give in when..
"Was it about your beautiful, beautiful girlfriend again?" Jisung said without even looking up from his plate.
I froze for a second and some words came out of my mouth. Some words that I didn't want to come out of my mouth.
"No. It was about you actually"
Shocked of what I just said, he raised his head and looked at me with wide eyes. He almost choked on his food when he realized what I just said.  "M-me??"
He asked in disbelieve.

I nodded at his words and swallowed hard, starting to explain my 'Dream' to everyone.
"So I was sleeping, or actually, I was awake in bed but I had my eyes shut when I suddenly heard someone walking up to me. That someone then crouched in front of me and whispered something to me but.."
I took a break from talking. After I saw Jisungs face, I knew that I shouldn't say the next part out loud. So I covered it up.
"..but I can't remember what the person told me. After that, that someone left again."
The squirrel like boy tried to get out of this situation after he received a questioning look from Chan.
"Pffft, reallyyyy? What a weird dream!" He exclaimed with a high pitched voice, being even more suspicious to the others now.

Chan then cleared his throat and got up from the chair, pushing it back a bit before speaking up to disturb this awkward moment. "I'm going to clean the dishes and I'm sure Jisung would like to give a helping hand, right? So you all can just relax in the living room and talk a bit, we'll join you when we're done." He gave Ji an expectational look but Jisungie tried to get away.
"What? No, you can do that on your own! Didn't you see that it doesn't go well when we're both together yesterday evening?"
Already starting to walk towards the living room, he was sure that he got away.
That was when Chan grabbed him by his sleeve and pulled him along to the kitchen.

We all just looked at each other and shrugged with our shoulders, walking to the living room while being happy that we wouldn't have to do the dishes.

Jisung's P.O.V.
Chan pulled me into the kitchen with him after a little argument and stood in front of me with a raised eyebrow.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms while saying a simple but harsh "what?"
He approached me slowly until he was really close in front of me and started talking as well. "You know why I pulled you along. Jisung, you know that it wasn't a dream that Minho had, don't you?"
Once again I got so furious in that moment. Why does he always have to provoke me like this?
"Tch, why should I even tell you anything? So that you can ruin everything again? I'll pass." I pushed him away slightly and turned to face another direction but he grabbed me by my arm and made me look at him again.

"Ji, I just want the best for both of you, okay? I just want you to tell him about your feelings so you can be happy"
I smacked his hand away from my arm and snapped "Happy? So you want me to tell him about my feelings just so he can reject me and you can laugh at me, isn't that so?"
He then grabbed my shoulders with both of his hands with a tight grip.
"Jisung! He likes you too, he won't reject you. Stop thinking I want to ruin everything."
-"First of all you're not our fucking wing-man and second of all, how would you know that he likes me back?!"

After I said that, Chan let go of my shoulders and let out a quiet sigh, getting his phone out of his pocket. I was a bit confused but also curious so I just waited, not saying anything. Then he shoved his screen almost directly in my face and simply said "There."
I took his phone and read everything on the display. On top there was Minho's name. It was a chat on kakaotalk and.. Minho wrote a message that said that he.. has a crush on me? So Chan did not lie? No, I don't believe that.

I gave Chan his phone back with a stern look. "That's faked bullshit. Why would Minho ever tell you that he likes me? I don't trust you even a little bit."
The aussie looked to the side and scratched the back of his neck "I get that..but I swear it's not fake" His voice was a bit silent when he said that.
"It has to be fake. He would never tell you that"
Chan's last sentence which followed up what I just said left me shocked.

"He would If he didn't know it's me"



That's a glitch, right? Like, OMFG! Thank you all for reading my story and for always patiently waiting for a new chapter

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That's a glitch, right? Like, OMFG!
Thank you all for reading my story and for always patiently waiting for a new chapter.
I'm honestly lost of words.
Thank you so so much and have an amazing day everyone!

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