-urgent call-

567 15 6

Minho's P.O.V.
"Hey Minho, are you upset that I won against you? Want a revenge?"
Hyunjin said after giving me a harsh pat on my back and with a slight smirk on his face.
"Not up for it right now, ask Jeongin"
Hyunjin didn't like my answer though and he proceeded to drag me in front of the screen, shoving a controller in my face almost forcing me to take it.
In the end I actually took it because I didn't have the nerves to deal with him at the moment.

Nothing really special happened at first, we were just playing a round of Mario Kart which I won this time. Right when I wanted to go again he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He then leaned in a bit and whispered into my ear "Don't be too upset about Felix interrupting your guys' little confession. We know what we're doing here, but don't tell Chan I said that"
After these words he let go of me again and left me perplexed after he had turned around to the others right away.
What did he mean by that?
Lost of words I tried to shake it off as if it was nothing which actually worked after Jeongin and Changbin had joined me and started to distract me from my thoughts as we were playing Halli Galli. For some reason Binnie loved this game, doesn't mean he's really good at it though.
Even though I was distracted I could still sense the staring looks on me coming from no other than Chan and Jisung.

The whole time there was this weird atmosphere that just kind of made you feel uncomfortable.
While the three of us took a break from playing games the whole time, I had the chance to take a glance to my left where Hyunjin, Woojin, Seungmin and Felix sat in a small circle, whispering to each other. I didn't get anything of what they were saying but after a short amount of time I was able to see how everyone nodded at each other and soon after that, Woojin got up and excused himself to use the bathroom.
It was weird but I didn't want to question it.

After what felt like 15 minutes he finally came back, approaching the three members he had talked to before with a bright grin on his face. Everything I got after that was Seungmin asking "Did it actually work?!"
Work? With the context of him going to the bathroom..? Weird. Just weird.
I shrugged with my shoulders and took a look at the time. None of us had realized how late it had gotten so I asked everyone if they'd like anything for dinner.
The first person to speak was Woojin, simply saying "Chicken!!" Honestly that didn't surprise me one bit.
So we ordered some chicken and waited for it to arrive. Probably wasn't the best idea to order from KFC after the dare that Woojin had to do. Jeez, KFC must really hate us now, I thought to myself while chuckling slightly. "What's so funny?" I jumped up at Seungmin who had creeped up on me.
"Seungmin! Don't scare me like that, for christs sake!"
He giggled at my shocked and at the same time stern expression and all he said was "whatever"
The audacity-

Not long after, the doorbell rang and our food had arrived. We tipped the supplier and apologized for the little incident not too long ago because we weren't able to do it right after since they hung up on us and blocked our number for a short time.
The guy left and we all sat down in the living room to eat our food.
Right then the phone started ringing but when I wanted to stand up to get the call, Seungmin pushed me back on my chair again, saying "don't worry, I'll get it for you!"
Without even waiting for any kind of reply or permission from me he had already done what he said and got the call.
I don't know what the conversation was about since Seungmin almost only hummed and nodded at what the person on the other side said. That was until one word escaped his mouth. "Tomorrow?" And after that he hummed again.
He nervously hung up immediately after I asked who the person that called was and he shook it off, saying it wasn't important.
I swear to god everyone is behaving so weird today.

He sat back down and wanted to change the topic but I stayed stubborn.
"What's gonna happen tomorrow?"
A moment of silence where all the members excluding Chan, Jisung and me looked at each other with slightly widened eyes, not sure about what to say. Seems like they're all keeping a secret from us.
"N-nothing is gonna happen tomorrow, it was just-" Changbin started saying but he got cut off by Seungmin "it was my mother who just asked if everything was alright! I told her she should call back tomorrow because we umm, we're eating right now and don't want to get interrupted right now."
Can you be an even worse liar? Damn.
I acted like I'd believe what he said and went on with finishing my plate.
After everyone was done as well I asked If they wanted to continue on playing but they all just fake-yawned and said that they were tired and that we should all go to sleep so that we would be fit for tomorrow for.. No apparent reason..? But okay, I was pretty exhausted from playing the whole day anyway so I agreed without second thoughts. We all brushed our teeth, got dressed in our pajamas and laid down not long after. I wished everyone a good nights sleep before slowly drifting off into dream land. The only words I still heard were "let's pack the things together" coming out of Jeongin's mouth.

What things? What do they need to pack? Are they leaving again? Is that what the call was about?
I couldn't clear my mind after that.. Inside my head too many questions..

Lmao what even-
Sorry for not uploading for so long, I'm really stressed at the moment and my brain just won't really work so I'm struggling a lot to write chapters atm but umm, anyway here is a new one.
What will happen next? No one knows 👀
Have a great day y'allsters ♡

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