-come with us-

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Minho's P.O.V.
A bunch of loud noises woke me up at around 8:30am. Apart from some talking there were sounds coming from zippers but not like zippers from clothes like jackets or even pants, no, they clearly came from some suitcases. That's when I remembered these last few words I picked up yesterday. "Let's pack the things" echoed through my head, I was still clueless as to why they would need to pack anything but at the thought that I might find out in a second I got nervous.
There was no turning back now though and I decided to slowly roll over to the other side where I could then see them with some, exactly as I thought, suitcases.
I sat up and looked at them confused, an eye brow raised. From their facial expressions I could tell that I caught them off guard and so they tried to cover that with a little faked smile in an instant.
Since I was still a bit tired, I rubbed my eyes and looked at them again, now talking to them with my deep morning voice "What are you guys doing there with that luggage?" the ending of that sentence got a bit 'stretched' because of a yawn that followed.

Some of them scratched the back of their heads, clearly being speechless while others tried to make up an excuse, they ended up being a stuttering mess though.
I stretched myself as I hesitantly got up onto my feet then, looking at the two boys that were still sleeping; Jisung and Chan, when I turned back to the others just to get even more confused.
"Hey, isn't that my shirt you're holding there?"
I pointed out to Woojin before slowly trying to approach him to get a better look at that mentioned shirt. As I did so he instantly hid it behind his back and tried to talk it off with sentences like "Oh no, it's mine, I guess we just happen to have shirts that look very similar" and some nervous chuckles followed these words.
'They all are even weirder than yesterday..'
I thought to myself before Jisung then woke up as well, wishing everyone a good morning while still being half-asleep and his hair being a complete mess.
Oh you don't even know how much I wanted to ruffle through his hair at that moment.

When he finally decided to open his eyes completely after getting more used to the sunlight filling the room, he could see all those bags as well and just looked at me with a very confused and at the same time concerned look. Since I didn't know what was going on either I just shrugged my shoulders at him, giving him a clueless kind of  expression.
He then woke up the only member that was still asleep, Chan, hoping to get answers from him because he normally knows about everything that's going on in the group.
But this time he didn't know about what's happening either. We were about to think about some theories as to why the others would do something like that when-

"Good that you all are awake now! Rather than talking, you should get ready now, we don't have the whole day. So to put it another way; stop procrastinating"
Felix said that last part like he literally invented the asutralian accent. I guess he just can't go one day without teasing the other members, especially Chan.
We three were still pretty dumbfounded but I then secretly suggested to both Chan and Ji that maybe we should just go with the flow to finally find out what was going on and they agreed on it. So we all picked some outfits to wear for the day and got into the bathroom to get ready. I had decided on some light blue, ripped skinny jeans with a plain white shirt that had a little writing on the front and a dark grey-ish jeans jacket to top this look off. Other than that I put an earring on my right ear and made my hairstyle look pretty much like always, showing a bit of my forehead in the middle.
Satisfied with how it turned out after looking in the mirror, I got out of the bathroom again and got comfortable on the couch.
"So what is so special about today? Yesterday you said we have to be fit for today, then you said we don't have time to procrastinate today. I'm just curious, you know? You have some days off anyway, shouldn't you relax there instead of doing anything that sounds almost physically challenging?" I laughed slightly at them, trying to finally get some god damn answers. But nope.
"Just be patient for once Meanhoe" Seung-mean said harshly while still trying to sound a bit polite at least.
I huffed and fell back on the sofa, staring right at the white, blank ceiling while nobody said a word.

Then as the last one of us, Jisung, finally came out of the bathroom after getting ready as well I sat up and saw Jeongin nodding at Changbin in the corner of my eye. Right after that Binnie took out his phone and texted someone, at least that is what I assumed from what I could see.
5 minutes went - nothing happened. Everyone was pretty quiet and not gonna lie, this silence made me uncomfortable as all hell. But I bared with it for almost another 5 minutes.
And then it happened. "It" being probably the secret they were hiding from us the entire time.
The doorbell rang and Hyunjin jumped up in less than a second, running towards the entrance of the house to open the door for whoever was standing in front of it. We quickly followed after him since we were both excited and nervous about who we were going to see.

He swung open the door and..
"Lee Minho?" a deep voice coming from a tall, muscular man dressed in all black said as I looked at this person in shock.
"He's right here!" Hyunjin said with a bright smile while pointing at me with his finger. What the hell is going on?
"Good, all of you; come with me, you're expected to be there in about an hour."
Be where?? Who is that guy and why does he know my name? I was baffled while most of the other boys ran to get all the suitcases as fast as they could. After that they then tried to pull me along but failed at first because they got interrupted by Chan who was pulling them a bit to the side and asking them "Why is he here and what is happening right now? What the hell did you plan?" He asked a little bit furious but Woojin, who he had asked this question in particular, only replied with "Sorry, we didn't want you to mess this one up again so we decided to take it into our own hands. Don't worry, we know what we're doing. We're going to fullfill Jisungs wish that he made shortly before we left to see Minho."
And with that, he hopped into the car of that mysterious man while the others dragged me into it as well.

I had no clue what was going to happen but I certainly I would find out soon.

Haii! Sorry for this late update but I was actually very busy the last days and actually even went to a concert so I didn't have much time to write another chap until now. Also I'm kinda busy with birthday preparations bc some ppl are expecting me to do smth special there even though I couldn't care less about that day lmao
I hope the grammar and spelling is okay! It's currently around 4am and I started writing this about 2-3 hours ago so I'm not in the best condition sksk
As always I'm open for Feedback, thanks for reading and have an amazing day! <3

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