The Dragons' Arrival

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He had the coloring of his father, though his hair was the same grey-silver as his mother's. It had been easy enough to hide him for his first few years. He had but short wisps of hair when he'd been born, and though it grew out over the next few years, it had been slow going. They'd opted to cover his head with hats, scarves, anything to hide his identity from the outside world. And it worked. They had not received any news of anyone in the world knowing of Rhaego's existence. Daenerys had kept him hidden well. Before she'd been able to obtain her armies and loyal followers, when she'd been but a young girl with very few loyal guards, she'd pass Rhaego off as her handmaiden's son, but only when absolutely necessary. Anything to keep him safe.

It was to be his fifth nameday in a few days. They were to arrive at Dragonstone by midday and though there was much to prepare for in the coming months, Daenerys had decided to put everything off, at least for a little while, so that they may be able to celebrate Rhaego's nameday with some semblance of peace. Tyrion had objected a bit at first, but with one stern look and the reminder that Rhaego was a child, her child, he shut up and finally acquiesced.

Rhaego had fallen fast asleep by the time they finally arrived, so Daenerys carried her sleeping boy in her arms as the small boat made its way closer to shore. The closer it got, the more overwhelmed she felt. We're here, my love. We're finally here.


Settling in to Dragonstone was much easier than Daenerys' thought. It still doesn't feel quite like home, but there is this feeling to it. Some kind of pull. Rhaego enjoyed himself immensely. He ran and played to his heart's content throughout the grasses. He loved to roam the castle, finding every nook and cranny he could. She was sure he would know the castle better than she would.

Although he loved Dragonstone and all the rooms it had to offer, he couldn't sleep far from Daenerys. They'd managed to connect two of the larger bedrooms, so that he was within arms reach. There was but a door between them, always left open. I need him close. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him. So long as he's next to me, I'll be able to do all I can to protect him.

It was lunchtime now. They'd been at Dragonstone for three days now. Everything had been loaded off of the ships and put in its place within the castle grounds. Daenerys and Rhaego were having their lunch outside with Missandei, watching the dragons fly overhead.

"Mama, for my nameday, can I fly?" Rhaego asked, shoving more grapes into his mouth.

Daenerys smiled warmly at him before exchanging a look with Missandei. She could tell her friend was just as amused as she was. "Darling, you're still too young to fly. You know that," She said, stroking his hair out of his face.

"But mama, please!?" He asked again, this time mouth full of grapes. "I wanna fly with you like you do!"

Daenerys tried not to laugh. My sweet boy. How can I say no to you? She sighed. "Tell you what. If you behave like a good little boy, from now until after your name day, perhaps I will take you for a ride. Hmmm?"

His face lit up with the largest smile, and it filled her heart with such happiness, she couldn't contain her own smile. "Yay! Thank you mama! I promise, I will behave. I promise!" He was practically jumping out of his seat at this point.

Daenerys and Missandei chuckled. Rhaego was such a joy to be around. Any worries they may have had were swept away for a while. His little voice, his smiles and giggles, his presence brought such ease. The two of them couldn't get enough of the little dragon.


On the morning of Rhaego's nameday, Daenerys woke up extra early. She wanted to make sure this day was special for her son. Her childhood had been filled with such terror, such sadness and loneliness, she wanted to ensure Rhaego's was filled with nothing but happiness and love. She didn't want Rhaego to ever feel the way she had felt as a child, always on the run, scared, hungry. Soon enough, she'd retake their family's throne. She'd be queen of the seven kingdoms and Rhaego a prince. Soon enough, she'd bring peace to all of Westeros, and her son will have nothing but a peaceful and happy life.

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