Calm Before the Storm

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A/N: Thanks to all of you for sticking around with me! My apologies for having missed posting last month. Things have been hectic lately. The next chapter is about halfway written. And I have two one-shots that I still need to go back and finish up. I'm crossing my fingers I can get those finished and posted this month. 

Also: I joined in Emilia's SameYou Inca Challenge! Have y'all heard of it? If you haven't, check out Emilia's or SameYou's instagram/website! I'm basically completing 26 miles by the end of the month to raise money for brain injury recovery. :) I'm debating on whether or not to post the link to my fundraiser page here... should I?

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy the chapter!


The feast was a rather modest affair. Daenerys had insisted they go to great lengths to truly welcome her mother, but Rhaella had refused. As it turned out, neither mother nor daughter were too fond of all the lavishness and arrogance that exuded from feasts great and grand. Daenerys had wanted to make an exception for this, however, given her mother had come back to them — she'd come home — and Daenerys wanted to really celebrate that. "We'll have time for all that later. There are still wars to win, and while a part of me would like to enjoy everything we have while we still can, I'd much rather we put the majority of our energy into helping the realm," her mother had told her. She hadn't entirely agreed with her, if Daenerys was honest. She's seen war. She's lived it. Not everyone comes back. She knows what must be done to fix the problems of the realm, but... Daenerys had sighed heavily as she'd acquiesced in her mother's wishes.

Now, they all sat gathered in the great hall of Dragonstone. Loud conversations could be heard throughout the room. Everyone was in great spirits. They had all been through so many battles and so much strife; they all knew what was coming and didn't want to waste any moment of revelry.

The hall had gone silent when the doors had opened to reveal Daenerys, Rhaego, Missandei and Rhaella walking in. All stood as they watched the last Targaryens take their places at their table.

"Oh, this food is absolutely delicious, Daenerys," Rhaella gushed, taking yet another forkful.

Daenerys smiled warmly. "Well, I specifically asked the cooks to make all of your favorites." She paused a moment, taking a sip of her sweet wine. "With a few other options here and there as well, of course" she added.

"Of course," Rhaella chuckled, taking a sip of wine herself. "Well, it sure looks like everyone is enjoying themselves." She and Daenerys survey the room, taking in all the merriment.

Daenerys sighed happily, leaning back in her seat. She was glad for it; the calm; the fun. The Gods know how little that occurs around here. Looking around the room, she catches Jon's gaze, lips turning up automatically. He was seated at their table, her mother and Ser Barristan sat between them. His returning smile was very similar to hers.

It was one of content.

Content. Daenerys was feeling a lot of that lately. It was an odd feeling. Growing up the way she did, she was never content. For her, to be content, meant there was a calmness around her, a calm that could only occur from being safe and sound. Being safe and sound was something foreign to her. Even now, with as much power and protection as she has, she isn't safe. But regardless of that, she felt safe and warm and whole with Jon. His presence was the final piece of the puzzle. Him coming into her life had pushed her over the edge into sweet bliss. With her family and Jon in her life, Daenerys felt like maybe everything could truly be alright.

She was still hesitant to completely bask in it, of course. She had enemies everywhere, especially now that she was so damn close to taking the iron throne from the mad Lannister queen. Growing up in Essos, Daenerys was familiar to their ways. Being in Westeros was very different, in comparison. Her advisors were key in her understanding of the country and its people. Though, not so much it seems. Daenerys was quickly growing tired of some of their "advice". She wasn't stupid. Many a man had underestimated her, thinking her a naive, stupid, young girl. Young she still may be, but she was as smart and skilled in strategy as most. Now more than ever, she needed to be strong, not just internally, but externally. She has the largest army in the world and three full grown dragons. It didn't matter what the plan was, she knew she would win this war against Cersei Lannister. What did matter was the people who could potentially get hurt from the cross fires. Coming up with and following through with a plan that would keep as many of the common people safe and away from harm's way was what mattered. People die everyday, and Daenerys knew so many had died already from the continuous war and struggle that has plagued the Seven Kingdoms. She wanted to change that; put a stop to it all. Winning this war, winning the throne back, would mean little to nothing if countless innocents died.

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