Ice and Fire Collide

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Daenerys and Missandei stood on the shores of Dragonstone, watching as the ships grew closer, rowboats being lowered filled with faces familiar and new. Daenerys could see Ser Barristan's face from where she stood and smiled. He was stood at the head of the rowboat carrying him and a few others. They were meters away from reaching shore when she heard steps growing closer behind her. Turning, she saw Grey Worm, Lord Tyrion and Lord Varys approaching.

"My queen," they greeted her, each turning to look out to the sea.

"Finally the noble knight arrives," Lord Tyrion says, stepping next to her. Lord Varys followed, stopping to stand on Lord Tyrion's other side. Grey Worm stepped up next to Missandei.

"Yes. As does your friend, Jon Snow," Daenerys replies, watching as the man in question's ship continues to move closer still, though not enough to be anchored.

Ever since they'd received Jon Snow's raven regarding his impending arrival, Lord Tyrion and Lord Varys had been rather vigilant in acquiring information for their queen. They'd let her know the King in the North brought with him his advisor, a Ser Davos Seaworth. Tyrion had told her of the Battle of Blackwater Bay, where they'd fought on opposite sides. Daenerys had found it rather odd, yet interesting, in how this man, Ser Davos, had gone from serving Stannis Baratheon to Jon Snow. And even more interesting was how he went from being a smuggler to a knight. He must have done something quite important and brave. Something else that she found interesting was the fact that in addition to Ser Davos, Jon Snow brought along his younger sister. When Varys had first told them of this, Tyrion's face had twisted in confusion, piquing Daenerys' interest.

"I thought the Lady Sansa stayed behind to look after Winterfell while her brother comes here?" he had asked.

"Oh, I speak not of the Lady Sansa, my lord. Arya Stark is the one who accompanies the King in the North," Varys had replied, looking rather pleased at Tyrion's shocked reaction.

"Arya Stark is alive?"

Daenerys looked from one to the other, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. They had told me Jon Snow's siblings had all died, except one. "Arya Stark?"

Both Tyrion and Varys turned to her, apologetic expressions touching their faces. Varys bowed his head in apology before he spoke. "Arya Stark is the youngest daughter of Ned Stark, my queen. She had accompanied him and her sister, the Lady Sansa, when he traveled south with King Robert. After her father's death, she had gone missing... and with no word or sight of her after that, she was thought to be dead," he said.

"So then where has she been all this time?" she asked, curious. Tyrion joined her in looking to Varys for more information, both intrigued to hear how such a young girl had escaped King's Landing and ended back up in Winterfell.

Varys softly sighed. "I'm not entirely sure, your grace. My little birds do not know all that much about the youngest Stark girl. I was told she made it out of King's Landing posing as a boy headed for the Night's Watch. Some time later, she somehow made it to Braavos, and from there she returned to Winterfell. I do not have any more details or further information other than that at the moment, I'm afraid."

Daenerys nodded. "Very well then. Perhaps you can find out more once they arrive." Varys nodded in agreement.

They'd prepared every room in the castle, ensuring they were all clean and stocked with everything their guests may need to be comfortable. Rhaego had gotten rather excited at the news of new people visiting the island. Daenerys hadn't wanted to tell him yet, but he'd managed to stumble into one of their conversations regarding their northern guests, and with how persistent he is, she succumbed in telling him. "But you must remember, Rhaego. We do not know these people. You cannot be wandering around the castle like you usually do. Everywhere you go, you must always have at least one guard with you. Do you understand?" He nodded. "That means," she began, picking him up to sit him on her lap. "No running off. No trying to play or get away from the guards. Yes, they are our friends, but you cannot risk anything, my love. I need you safe." She stroked hair away from his face. "We do not know these people," she repeated. "We do not know if they are good or bad." She lifted his face up to look into his eyes, to make sure he was paying attention and understood. "I know you won't like it very much, but you'll have to stay inside the castle while the guests are here, and only certain parts of the castle." He was about to protest, moving to sit up straighter. Daenerys gave him a look and he stilled, pout set on his face. "I know. But you can still have fun here. And we can always have your friends come here so you can play. How does that sound?"

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