Trudging Through

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The next week went by with a lot of stress on Daenerys. The news that Cersei had employed the Golden Company had caused her head to ache for hours after the council meetings. Every thought swirling through her mind of all the things she wanted to do to the false queen hit her at once. The only respite was that the Golden Company would not arrive for a fortnight, giving them time to think of a feasible plan; of what they could do to take out Cersei and the Golden Company without too much resulting mess. My dragons can erase them faster than anything else... but I am not here to be Queen of the Ashes. Despite my house words being 'Fire and Blood', it is not all I wish to unleash on King's Landing. Cersei has only fear from the people. I am far better than Cersei Lannister can ever be. As queen, I will have their love; far more than just their fear. Mounting Drogon and taking Rhaegal and Viserion along to the Red Keep was so very tempting. It would be so easy for her to simply give the command, a whispered 'Dracarys', and the wars would be over; Cersei would be gone. But it's not that simple.

Now, after a week's worth of meetings, both privately with her own council and then that of Jon Snow's, Daenerys wanted nothing more than to forget everything for a while. She remembered when she was a young girl wishing to be normal; to not have to care about houses, nobles, lords and ladies. She would wish to wake up one day and simply be. She would be Daenerys. Just Daenerys. But she is Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. She is the rightful heir to the iron throne; the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She has a duty to her people that she must fulfill.

"Don't worry, love. Everything will be fine. We will find a way to be rid of the Lannister queen and her hired sellsword company. You and Rhaego are the future of our house. We were thrust into loss and despair once. It will not happen again; not whilst we're together," Rhaella had told her. She'd been venting to her mother, complaining about her day, about her meetings and all the headaches that came along with dealing with some of her council members. It had been exceedingly reassuring to hear words of comfort from her mother. For her entire life Daenerys had longed to feel such unwavering and unconditional love, especially when she was a small child. Every time she'd asked Viserys for stories of their mother, in an attempt to feel close to her despite her being gone from them, his face would turn red and he'd twist her arm as he yelled at her for daring to ask him for such a thing. Ever since then, she would resort to imagining what Rhaella would have been like. Daenerys would close her eyes and picture it in her head, creating an illusion for her own comfort.

But her mother had returned to her, and she was forever grateful. She cherished every moment she spent with Rhaella. She made sure all of her free time was spent with her and Rhaego. The three of them had grown exponentially closer as the days went by, and Daenerys' heart burst with love and warmth every time she thought back on those moments.

She was walking through the halls of Dragonstone after a taxing council meeting on how best to deal with the Golden Company. Apparently they have elephants. Lord Varys had been able to procure such information from his little birds. The Golden Company had set sail from Essos bringing their elephants along with them. Had Daenerys' army solely consisted of foot soldiers, she would be a nervous wreck. But I have my dragons. Everyone present for the meeting had gasped and even some had visibly paled at the mention of the elephants. Daenerys had simply sat back in her seat, asking for an estimate on the number of elephants. Only fifteen elephants. The number had only caused everyone's expressions to deepen. Even Ser Barristan had looked a little nervous at the prospect of fighting against the Golden Company's elephants. The only ones who hadn't looked affected were Grey Worm and Qhono. Like her, they had instantly thought of Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion. They had faith in their queen to have their backs on the battlefield.

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