Tell Me A Story

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Daenerys stumbled back, mouth agape in absolute shock. She looked from Ser Barristan to the woman in front of her. "Mother?" she gasped, eyes filling with tears. She felt Rhaego's hand tightening his grasp around hers. She looked towards Ser Barristan again, and he nodded in encouragement, his own eyes filling with unshed tears. "H-how? I-I thought..."

Rhaella stepped to Daenerys, looking over her face, tears streaming down her cheeks. She smiled softly, lovingly. "I know," she whispered. Gently, she stepped and wrapped her arms around Daenerys. Tightly, Daenerys wrapped her own around her mother, allowing the tears to flow freely now. The two embraced for minutes, neither truly believing they were together once more.

Rhaego stood confused. He was a bit worried, seeing his mother crying as she hugged the strange woman. Ser Barristan stepped forward and reached out his hand. Rhaego smiled up at him and placed his small in the knight's larger one.

Daenerys opened her eyes, still tightly hugging her mother, and looked to Ser Barristan. He smiled to her, eyes still shining with unshed tears. She smiled and mouthed 'thank you', to which her trusted knight simply nodded. Looking down, she saw Rhaego's confused expression. She gave him a reassuring smile, before finally pulling away from her mother's embrace.

Rhaella hesitated, not yet wanting to let Daenerys go, but settled for pulling back and holding onto her hands. "My, how I've dreamt of this day," she said softly. She let go of one of Daenerys' hands and gently cupped her face. "I'm so happy to finally be with you once again, sweetheart. It pained me so much to see you and your brother go." Sighing, her look of utter happiness turned to one of regret. "I'm so sorry for the life you were forced to live," she whispered, voice wavering, cracking with emotion.

Daenerys shook her head, eyes once again filling with tears. She blinked, letting them fall. "It's not your fault," she whispered back, sniffling. Reaching up, she took her mother's hand from her cheek and held it down in hers. "I thought... How? How are you here? What happened?" Daenerys asked, voice so quiet.

Rhaella looked down to their hands. She squeezed Daenerys' hands before looking back up. Smiling softly, she said, "It's a very long story, I'm afraid. I will gladly tell you all you would like to know, but first, I suspect there is someone who I have yet to meet." Rhaella tilted her head to the left, where Rhaego stood next to Ser Barristan.

Daenerys smiled wide, looking down sheepishly. She gave her mother a nod before letting go of her hands. Turning to her right, she stepped forward and crouched down in front of Rhaego. She stretched out her arms to him. "Come here, sweetling." Rhaego glanced towards Rhaella, who was watching the two of them with a look of utter love and regret, her eyes shining again. Quickly, Rhaego stepped into Daenerys' waiting arms, wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders.

When Daenerys stood back up, Rhaego had his head buried into her shoulder, barely able to peek out to eye Rhaella hesitantly. Daenerys smiled, rubbing his back gently. "Rhaego, my love, there's someone I want you to meet," she whispered, trying to get him to move his head from her shoulder. "Come on, sweetheart." Slowly, Rhaego lifted his head, turning towards Rhaella, before looking to Daenerys. "This is my mother, Rhaego. Your grandmother."

Rhaego's eyebrows furrowed. "Grandmother?" He whispered, pouting.

Daenerys smiled reassuringly. "Yes, sweetheart. Your grandmother." Stepping forward, Daenerys turned back to Rhaella, smiles gracing both their faces. "Mother, this is my son Rhaego."

Rhaella's face softened as she looked at Rhaego. Hesitantly, he looked back, and so Rhaella stepped closer. Reaching a hand up, she smoothed it over his silver hair. "Hello Rhaego. It's wonderful to finally meet you. I'm your grandmother. My name is Rhaella. Can I have a hug?" She asked, gently taking his hand in hers.

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