The Dragon's Heart

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Author's Note: My apologies for taking so damn long to update! I've had a stressful few weeks, and on top of that, I had writer's block for a while. Plus, I wanted to make sure this chapter came out right, for reasons I'm sure you'll see once you read.

Anyways, yes, this is only 1 chapter. BUT, it's over 13,000 words. I haven't posted the last 3 weeks, so this is like me posting 3 chapters all at once since I tend to write my chapters 3k-4k words each. I did think about splitting this up into 3 chapters, but honestly, it's just easier posting it as one long ass chapter.

Anyway... Enjoy!! ;D

***Important announcement at the end of the chapter!!!***


Daenerys paced her bedroom, waiting for Missandei to arrive. Rhaego sat on the floor in his room, playing with the toys Ser Barristan had brought him. He was completely oblivious to his mother's nervous behavior. Gods, why did I agree to having dinner with him? Daenerys took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Logically, she knew she wasn't having dinner alone with Jon; Rhaego and Arya would also be present. I know this... so why do I still feel so nervous about it? Walking to the window, Daenerys stopped for a moment and stared out. She could see Drogon and Viserion flying throughout the skies, while Rhaegal was down below, close to the water.

"Your grace?" Missandei's voice flowed through the room as she opened the door. Daenerys turned and smiled to her. Her smile vanished, however, when she saw the smirk upon her best friend's face.

Daenerys huffed. "Yes?" she asked, now annoyed.

Missandei giggled, glancing over towards Rhaego. He looked up at the sound of the door opening and waved happily to Missandei before returning his attention to his toys. Still, the two women exchanged a look, deciding to speak in High Valyrian instead. The Gods know how much he's heard and blurted out later; things we thought he wasn't paying attention to. "It seems to me, your grace, that someone is a little nervous about having such a small, more intimate dinner with the King in the North." She paused, stopping in front of Daenerys, watching as her eyes narrowed. "And that someone isn't Rhaego," she added, glancing over to the little prince.

Daenerys rolled her eyes, causing Missandei to giggle softly. "I am not nervous." She walked over to her bed, sitting down. Missandei followed, sitting down next to her. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Missandei looked at her knowingly, smirk still etched on her face. She gently bumped Daenerys' shoulder with hers. "It's okay to admit it, your grace. The King in the North is an attractive, kind, and comely man. And... from what I've seen, it seems he is as attracted to you as you are him."

Daenerys scoffed, shaking her head. She looked over, face washed in disbelief. "No, he is not," she said in denial. She stood again and began to pace in front of the bed. Missandei sat and watched, sighing. She knew this would be a difficult conversation. Daenerys won't admit anything without a little prodding, after all.

"He is, your grace. You may not notice it, but I've seen him starting at you... on multiple occasions. When he thinks nobody is watching, he will simply stare at you." Missandei shrugged. "You are a beautiful woman. Men have always flocked to you. Is it really such a surprise to hear that this man, this King in the North, is attracted to you?"

Daenerys stopped her pacing, placing her hands on her hips as she stared at Missandei. "Yes, men have been known to be attracted to me. But, I can not have this man showing any attraction for me. It can be distracting. I need all of my focus trained on taking the Iron Throne. Saving the people from Cersei's tyranny is more important than some man's attraction for me, King in the North or not." She sighed in frustration, sitting back down next to Missandei. "Not to mention, we have not even come to an actual agreement on a fully fleshed alliance. Aside from Ser Davos agreeing to help us with the wildfire in King's Landing, Jon Snow has not offered anything in exchange for our help in defending his home." Daenerys sighed again, hand coming up to her massage her temple. She could feel a headache coming. For fuck's sake.

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