Reunions and Conversations

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By the time they had all arrived to the castle, the sun had begun to set. Daenerys had arranged for a few guards to lead Jon Snow and his companions to their respective rooms to rest and freshen up a bit before they would all meet for dinner in the great hall later that evening. Now, Daenerys found herself walking down the hall, having just spoken with the cooks to ensure how long she had before she'd be meeting with the King in the North again.

Upon entering her bedroom, she found Rhaego walking in from his own bedroom. "Mama!" He ran and jumped into her arms as soon as he spotted her.

"What are you doing, sweetling?" She said, snuggling him close as she moved to sit on her bed. She shifted him so he sat comfortably in her lap.

"I saw them, mama! I saw all the boats from the windows!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Everyone looked tiny! Like ants!"

Daenerys chuckled. "You did, did you?" Rhaego nodded enthusiastically, smile bright upon his face. "And what else did you see?"

His face scrunched up adorably in thought for a moment before he answered. "I don't know, mama. There was lots of people." He pursed his lips in thought, before he gasped. "I saw Drogon fly down!" He giggled then. "He scared the new people, didn't he mama!? I saw them fall!"

Daenerys laughed softly along with him. "Yes, my love. Our guests have never seen dragons before, and when Drogon dropped by to say 'hello', they were all quite shocked." Rhaego nodded, moving his gaze down to the dragon chain Daenerys wore around her shoulder. He traced the dragon heads with a finger. "Rhaego," Daenerys said softly. "Do you remember who I told you was coming home?"

Rhaego stilled, whipping his head up, eyes widening. "Ser Barry!" He gasped, face breaking out into a smile. He straightened, practically jumping in Daenerys' lap. "Ser Barry is back!"

"Yes he is, my love." Daenerys smoothed some of his silver hair out from his face. "And he is very excited to see you."

"He is!?"

"Of course he is." Daenerys dropped Rhaego down to his feet in front of her before standing herself. "Come along now, my love. Let us go see our good knight." Rhaego excitedly grabbed onto Daenerys' outstretched hand and they made for the door.

They walked down the hall, Rhaego vibrating on his feet, towards Ser Barristan's room. They'd just arrived, and were about to knock, when the door flew open. "Oh! My queen," Ser Barristan greeted, bowing his head.

"Ser Barry!" Rhaego exclaimed, rushing forward, hugging Ser Barristan's legs. Daenerys smiled at them from where she stood in the hall.

"My, how much you've grown, my prince!" Ser Barristan kneeled down to Rhaego's height, holding his shoulders. "I hope you've been a good boy for your mother," he said sternly.

Rhaego nodded his head vehemently. "Yes, Ser Barry! I've been a very good boy! Right mama!?" He persisted, turning towards Daenerys.

Daenerys stepped forward, smiling warmly at them both. She smoothed a hand over Rhaego's soft hair, coming to rest it on his back. "Of course, my love."

Rhaego smiled brightly at her, then turned backed to Ser Barristan, who had stood back up to his full height. "Mama said you were in Essos! She said we used to live there, but I don't really remember it, because I was just a baby!"

"Yes, Rhaego. I went on a very important mission." Rhaego's eyes widened at that, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead. "And," Ser Barristan paused a brief moment, looking up at Daenerys. She knew what he was asking and nodded. He smiled warmly at her, before looking back down at Rhaego, who was still very much enthralled by whatever Ser Barristan might say. He took a few steps back as he spoke. "I've brought gifts."

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