Reylo University Part 26

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Kylo arrived at the club to find Hux and Phasma sitting behind the lame resistance group. He went to sit down and noticed that the ballet dancer was there. She must be Finn, Poe and Rose's friend. Kylo was listening into their conversation because he was curious to what the ballerina was doing with them. Anyways Hux and Phasma's conversation wasn't exciting it just consisted of them moaning to him or each other. Kylo was listening in on the ballet girl's conversation and heard that she was good at engineering and had built and car and many other things. This fascinated him.

He watches intently as the ballet girl left the group and went into the back. Phasma and Hux turned to Finn, Poe and Rose.

"New friend to join you losers?" Hux said to them.

"None of your business Hux." Rose bit back and returned her eyes to the stage.

Kylo also looked at the ballerina she was beautiful as she glided around the stage. He watched for what seemed like forever. During the time she was preforming (Three hours) Kylo's sith gang argued with Rey's friends.

Finally, Rey came back over. Kylo and the gang were about to leave when the ballet girl said,


Kylo was so confused that the ballet girl, that nobody had seen before since a few weeks ago, knew Phasma

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Kylo was so confused that the ballet girl, that nobody had seen before since a few weeks ago, knew Phasma. Kylo hung back listening to what was going on because he was utterly confused. It seemed like Rey use to know Phasma from primary school. Kylo was shocked to find out that Rey was in fact an orphan. Hux was making fun of Rey which made Kylo's blood boil. It looked like it made the girls blood boil too as in a blink of an eye Hux was on the floor. Wow she is a savage is all Kylo could process at the time. He got angry when he saw Hux slap Rey hard in the face, but she didn't fall over like Kylo suspected instead she kicked Hux to the ground! 

 He got angry when he saw Hux slap Rey hard in the face, but she didn't fall over like Kylo suspected instead she kicked Hux to the ground! 

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Phasma immediately went to Hux's side blood poured out his nose. Kylo stood there not knowing what to do until Phasma screamed at his,

"Kylo get her!"

Kylo didn't want to hurt Rey after all Hux deserved all that he got and more. Kylo felt sorry for Rey she had just seen her child hood friend that she hadn't seen in 7 years and then her best friends' boyfriend was an asshole.

Before Kylo couldn't even make a move, Rey hit him hard in the face with her quarterstaff Kylo grew very angry and shoved her backwards full force. She fell on the floor hard but got up really quick. Kylo felt sorry he had done that he didn't want to, but his anger always gets the best of him!

Rey launched back up, shouted at Kylo and left the club before Kylo knew what was happening. Her friends quickly made their escape whilst the gang was confused leaving Hux on the floor, Phasma by his side and Kylo Rubbing his cheek. 

The gang left the club, but Rey was long gone she must have run off to have been out of sight in the minute it took the gang to recover and exit the club

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The gang left the club, but Rey was long gone she must have run off to have been out of sight in the minute it took the gang to recover and exit the club. Kylo couldn't help but wonder where on earth that Rey had gone as him and the gang went their separate ways and he walked home.

When Kylo got home it was 12 at night and he was greeted by his mother rushing over to him.

"Kylo what happened to your face?"

"What?" Kylo knew what she was talking about Rey did hit him across the face after all, but he didn't think they was a mark, but they must have been judging by his mam's concerning look and tone.

"Kylo who hit you?"

"Mam it doesn't matter?"

"Kylo tell me now!" Kylo knew his mam wouldn't give in so he decided to tell her. 

"It was at the club Hux was being nasty to this woman my age called Rey so she beat him up and Phasma told me to get her but before I could even make my mind up she hit me across the face with her quarterstaff

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"It was at the club Hux was being nasty to this woman my age called Rey so she beat him up and Phasma told me to get her but before I could even make my mind up she hit me across the face with her quarterstaff."

"What?! How dare she hit you" 

"Mam it's fine."

"Hahahahahah Kylo got bet up by a girl!" Han laughed from where he was sat in the living room.

"Shut up Han this is serious!" Leia shouted at Han, but he just couldn't stop laughing.

Kylo got really really angry he didn't like his dad much and they had a complicated relationship and it was worse when Han was like this.

"I'm going to my room!"

With that Kylo made his way swiftly up the grand staircase and to his huge room he didn't want to be around his parents any more especially Han. Kylo went to the unsuite to inspect his face. They was a huge bruise on his right cheek. No wonder his mam had seen it you couldn't miss it! 

 No wonder his mam had seen it you couldn't miss it! 

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