Character Headcannons Pt 2

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|A/N| Heya, friends! You know how these work, so let's get started!

              Nathan "Specs" Wu

. Specs is a gay boy, and he likes to dance.
. He looks like a totally different person when he isn't wearing his glasses.
. While he isn't the most popular seventh grader in the building (that's Spot), Specs is the smartest.
. His wisdom is what balances out Romeo's dorkiness.
. Specs is constantly losing his shoe. No matter where he's at, he ends up losing a shoe.
. And when Specs loses his shoe, Romeo freaks out.
. And when the shoe has been located, Romeo is elated.
. Specs is constantly being attacked by a Romeo who just wants affection, so he's used to it.
. Specs likes twirling around when he's bored. He's light on his feet.
. He also likes cooking. Romeo matches; he likes baking.
. Poor Specs gets embarrassed so easily. Romeo just laughs.
. Specs will not go out in the rain because he doesn't wanna get wet.
. That is, unless Romeo is carrying him and holding an umbrella.
. Specs actually likes it when Romeo carries him. That way, he might not lose his shoe.

           Amos "Romeo" Flores

. He's pan af.
. He flirts with literally everyone.
. He legit acts like a lovesick idiot. I wonder how Specs can even tolerate dating this dumb flirt.
. One of Romeo's many hobbies is learning all the romance languages so he can "become the master of romance". So far, he's mastered Spanish and French.
. Romeo is in Drama Club, and is playing the lead of Don Lochwood in their production of Singin' In the Rain.
. He also loves singing. But he's not in choral groups because another extracurricular would mess with his "already-busy schedule".
. I guess this is his schoolwork, learning the remaining romance languages, and Drama Club.
. Romeo is famous for his extraordinary socks. He likes to show them off.
. His favorite pair is a certain pair of blue-and-red striped ones.
. He had his first kiss in first grade. Wow, even lil Romeo was a lovesick idiot.
. Speaking of lil Romeo, he's been acting since he was a kid.
. Romeo pouts a lot.
. He likes to crack sexual jokes.
. He's the kid most likely to lose his virginity first.
. He loves romantic poetry.
. Something tells me when Romeo drinks for the first time, what remains of his common sense will go down the drain.
. Romeo is that one extreme theater nerd. Like, seriously.

             Benjamin "Buttons"     

. He legit forces everyone (but Elmer) to call him "Buttons".
. He lets Elmer call him whatever he wants, since Elmer's his bf.
. From listening to Elmer speak, Buttons has learned how to say "hello", "goodbye", "yes", "no", "I love you", "I know", "I don't know", "I'm sorry", and "Buttons" in Polish.
. He says that while Polish is an unusual language, he likes hearing it come out of Elmer's mouth.
. Buttons loves to sew. Even when he stabs himself with sewing needles (which causes Elm to freak out).
. Cooking, however, is where Buttons falls short during Home Ec class.
. Buttons sometimes pretends to be mad at Elmer just so he can call him a "sticky glue fucker".
. Elmer loves that nickname.
. Elmer still loves it even when Buttons is actually mad at him and is using "sticky glue fucker" as an insult rather than a taunt.
. Buttons has a huge button collection that he won't let anyone touch.
. Not even Elmer.
. Buttons probably will flip you off if you say anything along the lines of "sewing is for girls".

         Elmer Kasprzak

. Elmer is fluent in English and Polish.
. He's amazing at math.
. He often comes to Buttons whenever his clothes need to be mended.
. If you didn't know already, Elmer has a lot siblings.
. Sometimes, Elmer gets bored and calls Buttons "Przyciski", Polish for "Buttons".
. Buttons sometimes forgets what that means and asks Elmer, "What the heck are you saying?".
. He hates being called anything that relates to glue (except by Buttons; remember "sticky glue fucker").
. When he's mad, he sometimes accidentally starts flipping out on people in Polish.
. Elmer never intentionally yells at Buttons. It's normally Buttons who does the yelling, anyway.
. Elmer wants to (legit) be a calculator when he grows up. A HUMAN calculator.
. I wonder where glue boy wants to work at as a calculator...
. He definitely needs a degree in Math if he wants to be a calculator.
. Not like being a calculator is a real job (don't tell Elm that, though).
. Before the boys started dating, a kid found a love letter from Buttons to Elmer in English class (Elmer didn't know it was from Buttons at the time).
. Elmer legit stared at the letter for three days to find out the sender. Elmer then requested to talk to Buttons about "this nonsense". This is how Elmer and Buttons got close and started dating.

That's four more kiddos down. Bye, friends!

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