Jenry - Ruffles (The Winter Dance Pt 2)

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The bell for co-curricular rings, and Henry and I walk out of Math.

I notice a bag in Henry's pocket and I tap him.
"Henry, take the bag out of your pocket."

"No," he answers stubbornly.
"My delicious cheddar and sour cream Ruffles."

I stare at Henry.
"Oh, you did not sneak into my lunchbox and steal my Ruffles."

Henry nods, laughing.
"Well, Jo-Jo, don't leave your lunchbox in our shared locker," he says.

"You know what, dude, fuck you. Give me back my Ruffles."
I try to grab my Ruffles out of Henry's pocket but Henry grabs my hand.

"You can only have them if you eat them out of my mouth," Henry teases.

"Ew, hell no," I answer.
"Henry, you are an ass."

Henry kisses me on the nose before running off to the cafeteria with my Ruffles.
"Then no Ruffles for you! Love ya, Jo-Jo!"

I sigh and head to co-curricular when Henry comes running back up the stairs.

"Jo, I'se sorry," he chuckles.
"Here, have this one."

Henry takes a chip out of the bag and licks it.
"You'll eat it. It has my saliva on it, and you love me, so..."

"Henry, we are not sharin' a Ruffle."

"Aww, c'mon, Jo-Jo," Henry says, pouting.
"Open your mouth."


I sigh and open my mouth. Henry sticks part of the Ruffle he licked into his mouth and puts the other half in my mouth.
I eat my part of the Ruffle just to make my boyfriend happy.

Then Henry pushes me onto the closest wall and kisses me roughly.

"No, no, Henry!" I try to exclaim, but Henry's mouth is muting me.
I end up kissing Henry back because I love him.

And then a teacher walks by.

"Mr. de la Guerra!" he yells.
"Office. Now. And tell Henry he's going too."

I stare at Henry.
"Henry, you puta, you got us in trouble!"

Henry pouts.
"Don't use your Spanish curse words on me."

I grab Henry by the arm and drag him downstairs to the office.
Well, there goes any chance of us going to the winter dance tonight...


"I'se sorry, Jo-Jo," Henry says for about the millionth time as we leave Mr. Seitz's office.
"I'll give you your Ruffles back."

Henry takes the bag of Ruffles out of his pocket and shoves them at me.

"I don't want them anymore," I reply, giving Henry the bag back.
"Not after the trouble you got us in."

Henry sighs.
"Jo-Jo, please stop bein' mad at me. I'll admit, I did get a bit carried away with that kiss. I should've brought you into the bathroom if I wanted to kiss you like that."

The bathroom doesn't have security cameras, so unless a teacher's in there, we can get away with anything in the bathroom.

"Besides, because Mr. Seitz only gave us a warning for our first infringement of the 'no PDA unless the teacher around is Mr. Reid or Mr. Hearst due to them being extremely gay for each other and only if the two engaging in the PDA are gay for each other' rule. We can still go to the dance, Jo-Jo."

I look at my boyfriend.
"Next time you go to kiss me, Henry, please do it somewhere where there isn't a teacher around. Like the bathroom."

Henry looks at me and kisses my forehead.
"I'll ditch choir so we can have a lunch period together, Jo-Jo," he says.

"Aww, Henry, you don't have to," I tell him.
"Go sing your little heart out."

Henry clings onto my arm, his other hand stroking my cheek.
"Jo-Jo, I'se givin' up choir, for god's sake, to be with you. You know I love doin' choir, but you are more important to me and I'd give up anythin' to spend time with you. Beside, I need time to apologize to you before the dance tonight."

I sigh. I can't believe Henry would give up his hobby to make it up to me for getting us in trouble.

Then Henry looks at me.
"Jo-Jo, I need something. It'll have to wait until we get to the cafeteria next shift."

"You'se right, no more kisses until lunch," I reply.
"Don't wanna get caught twice in one day."

I check my watch. 11:58.
Lunch starts at 12:03, so there's not a lot of time left.

"Luckily, you only have to wait five more minutes," I tell my boyfriend.

Henry smiles.
"It's worth the wait then, Jo-Jo. You give the best kisses"

A few minutes later, Henry and I head back to Mr. Wiesel's third block.

"Hi, Jo-Jo!" Mush greets from his seat next to Blink.

I wave.
"Hey, Mush," I reply.

"Are you goin' to the dance with Henry?" Mush asks me.

"Yeah, I am," I reply, nodding.

Then I point to Henry.
"He kissed me in the hallway, and that almost jeopardized tonight 'cause a teacher saw."

Henry sighs.
"Jo-Jo, please stop bringin' that up. I wasn't thinkin'."

Then the bell for lunch rings, and Mr. Wiesel says, "Okay, go ahead and go to lunch.".

Henry and I get up and go to the cafeteria. The second we get to our table in the cafeteria, Henry and I sit down.
Then I press my lips to his, and he kisses me back.

"Aww, Mush, look at Henry and Jo-Jo!" Blink's voice says from the stairs.

"Your narrator senses are tinglin' again?" Mush's voice replies.

"Yeah, Jo-Jo's narratin'," the blond says as he walks towards our table.

I let go of Henry and glare at Blink.
"Dios mio, Blink!" I yell.
"Will you please stop snoopin' on me and Henry?"

"It's not my fault I can hear your every thought," Blink replies, now sitting down at me and Henry's table.

"You and Henry's? We sit here too, excuse you."

Mush looks at me and smiles.
"You are and Henry got away with kissin' in the hallway? You'se so cool, Jo-Jo!"

How'd Mush find out?

"I told him earlier," Blink replies.

Is Blink... telepa-

"No. I can hear the narrator."

"Why does everybody think Blink is telepathic?" Mush asks.

Blink gasps.
"Mushy! Are you inheritin' my ability to hear the narrator??? Jo-Jo! Narrate something! Tell us what you'se thinkin'!"

Blink is insane. He-

"He is not insane, Jo-Jo" Mush interrupts.

Blink gasps again, quickly tackling Mush into a kiss.

This... is insane.

"And this chapter is over!" Blink's voice says.

I- what?

|A/N| Heya, friends! Anyway, take this. And yep! Mush is getting Blink's ability to break the fourth wall and hear the narrator!
Anyway, next part is gonna be kinda like this one.
Bye, friends!

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