Ralbert(?)- Field Trips

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I'm sitting in my Math homeroom, being bored as hell, when the bell for the morning announcements rings. After standing and saying the dumb Pledge,  the student announcers start chattering about today's activities.

I'm zoned out as usual until a specific announcement blares its message:
"All students going on the science field trip should report to the cafeteria after the morning announcements. These students are..."

This field trip is to a science museum, and it's a reward for the kids who currently have the highest grades in their Science class. They just called Spot's name. My seventh grade boyfriend is quite good at science.
They begin calling eighth grade names, and my best friend, Albert, clings to his own boyfriend, Finch. Finch is going on the trip too. Albert looks really sad that Finch is leaving.

"Finchy, please don't leave me," Albert says.

Finch smiles with a little pity for him.
"Sorry, Al, but I have to."

Finch turns away and starts getting up, but Albert pulls him back down by his arm.

"Finch, wait."

Albert presses a kiss to Finch's lips, Finch kissing back.

"Can I leave now, Albert?" Finch asks.

Albert nods, pressing another kiss to Finch's cheek. He then lets Finch go.

"Bye, Finchy."
"Bye, Al."

Finch then leaves the room, resulting in my best friend gripping onto my arm out of sadness.

"Are you really getting sad over Finch leaving for a field trip?" I ask Albert.

Albert nods.
"What if Finchy gets hurt?"

I chuckle and facepalm with my free hand.

"Albert, it's a science museum," I tell him.
"Finch shouldn't get hurt."

I ruffle the ginger's hair to comfort him, but it doesn't seem to be working.

"But what if he does, Race?"

I sigh.
"Stop all your worryin'. Finch is going to be fine, Albie."

The only person who calls Albert that is me. I have special permission because me and Albert have been friends since we were three.

"You don't know that, Racer," Albert replies.

And that's Albert's nickname of choice. A couple other people call me "Racer", though it's normally just Albert. For others, they usually just stick to "Race" or "Racetrack".

I cup Albert's face in my hands, staring into his sad brown eyes. God, our faces being so close reminds me of something that happened last year.


We're all at Jack's house, playing Truth or Dare. The seventh grade school year just ended, so Jack's throwing a party to celebrate.

Romeo just had his dare, and he's now laying on the ground, tired.
"Race, truth or dare?" he asks me.

I chuckle.

Romeo laughs.
"Ooh, okay! Race, I dare you to kiss the person in the room you like the most, platonic or otherwise."

I nod and think for a bit.
I currently don't have a crush, so who do I like the most? Well, I guess I like Albert the most out of everybody here. He is my best friend, after all.

I lean over to whisper in Albert's ear.

"Psst! Albie!"
"I think I like you the most out of everyone here, am I wrong?"

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