Chapter 4

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-Peter pov-
I finally am out of the Avengers complex and am about to step into the apartment. I never knew how much I'd miss home. I love the avengers but man do they get annoying.

I open the door and freeze "Oh uh hey Peter" I look straight at Mj who has a box of my legos "I thought you were coming home later"

"Mj I got the others..oh Pete!" May puts down the box what a nice surprise "You weren't supposed to come home till later"

"I can early" I walk in fully and close the door "Why are my Legos in those boxes?"

"Well uh" May scratches the back of her neck "we were making some space"

I give a confused look and walk to my room. I stop when I see the bunk is taken out and replaced with a bed, my posters are half gone, and there is another dresser in my room against the wall.

"I uh thought it'd be ok to move in here with you" I turn to Mj who looks nervous "Since well we can't do anything else bad...if you want it back the way it was I'm sure the Avengers can fix it"

I take a look around "you know what" I look at her and smile "I think it's fine this way" I grab her and bounce us both onto the bed laughing

"Peter!" Mj is laughing along with me, we stop and look at each other "So school tomorrow"

"So mood killer" she chuckles and we sit up "No one has to know until you wanna tell them everything or anything"

"They'll find out eventually" I feel her hand slowly fit into mine "Let's just rip the bandaid right off"

I kiss her temple "Alright" I stand up "let's look as presentable as much as teen parents can!"

She laugh "Alright"

-Michelle pov- next day-
I take a deep breath as I walk to the entrance of the school. Peter is holding my hand and Ned is beside me. We filled him in last night. He was surprised and shocked but supportive for us. I look at them both and nod signaling its time to go in.

"Watch out!" As soon as we walk in a football his heading straight for me

Peter jumps in front of me and catches it "HEY WATCH WHERE YOU ARE THROWING THIS!" He throws it back "come on let's go"

We walk to our lockers and grab our stuff. The day goes on pretty well until lunch. I actually grabbed a tray of food today and of course someone had to say something.

"Look Jones is finally gonna eat" I ignore them and put my number in just for no money to show "aw is Jones gonna have to stay anorexic?"

"SHUT UP!" We all look at Peter shocked "Say one more damn thing about her and I'm taking you down" Peter pays for my lunch as grabs my tray walking to the table

I follow and sit down "thanks" he looks up confused "for standing up for me back there"

He grabs hand thats close to him "You are 1. The girl I love and 2. The girl carrying my baby of course I'm going to stick up for you" I smile and give his hand a squeeze "plus they shouldn't treat anyone like that anyways"

"So there's a bun in the oven then" I turn and see Flash with the guys who made fun of me "Should've guessed you were a slut"


I didn't realize I smacked him until I see him angry. He goes to hit me but Peter stops him. The guys friend goes to hit Peter but Ned knocks his chair down and trips him. Flash is left standing alone.

"Get her dude" Flash looks at the guy "Do it!"

Flash looks at me and shakes his head "nah man I didn't know you were gonna do that" he backs up "that's even too far for me and I call Peter Penis"

"I finally got it" we look at Ned "Some people call a penis a peter"

Peter glares at Ned "not funny" he pushes the guy away "and you both stay away from my girl!"

They nod and run away. Flash nods at us and walks off. We sit back down and start eating our lunch. Well they do I just sit and stare at my tray. After what they said I'm not too hungry anymore.

"Babies need food even in the stomach" I look up and see Peter giving me a small smile "please"

I smile back and start eating. I ended up eating my tray and some of theirs. We have to go separate ways for our next class. Peter leaves me reluctantly. I walk to the class when the intruder alarm goes off. I turn and see Peter running to a supply closet. I get pulled into the room by Flash.

"Why did you pull me in?" He looks at me confused "you could've gotten rid of me"

He shakes his head "As much as of an asshole I come off as" he sighs "I do like you guys"

I smile "thanks" I ruffle his hair "We like you too"

There's some shots that go off and we turn. There's a guy dressed in all black standing in the door. He points the gun at me but Flash steps in front of me. I get pulled behind some more guys. I guess they do care about us. Or it's cause I'm pregnant.

"Hey big shot" we look and see Spider-Man in behind the guy "Smile for the web" he webs the gun away and knocks him down webbing him to the ground

The class cheers as Spider-Man makes sure he's down. Then everything goes in slow motion. There's another gunman who points the gun at his back. There's a pump and Peter moves slightly. The gun goes off shooting him partially in the back. Peter webs the gun to the guys head (side of it to his head not barrel). Then he webs him to the ceiling.

"Everyone get out ok!" We all nod and walk out to the others with our hands up, I turn after a minute and see Peter slowly walk over "hey"

I look and see the blood going through his clothes. I look at his face and see him going pale and start to fall. I catch him and go through his bag. He said there was a red alert button. I find it and hit it. Soon we are secretly being grabbed by Wanda. The whole trip to the complex I just watch Peter. He has to be ok. I need him to be ok.

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