Chapter 26

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-Peter pov-
"Seems like you all could use some help" We turn and see Clint standing behind us with his wife and daughter "Let's make a deal I help you all and you give this girl and fair shot in a team tryout"

"Well" Bucky looks at us then them "How are we going to tackle this?"

"I got Pepper trust me I can help and my wife can help you two love bugs" Clint looks at me "Why don't you and Faith go and train up for her tryout?"

"Alright follow me" I lead her to the training room and push the buttons and New York appears and the attack begins "Let's start with something easy"

-Pepper pov-
I get lead to a small office we have. I sit down and Clint sits in front of me. We are just looking at each other in silence. It's like he's trying to stare into my soul.

"What?" He gets up and before I know it the shotgun and noose are on the table "How did you get those?"

"You aren't alone" I look down at the floor "Now where do we begin?"

-Bucky pov-
I sit in a chair beside Wanda with Laura in front of us. I sit there just looking around the room. I never noticed we had a huge meeting room with books. This is a pretty calming place.

"Bucky!" I jump and look at Laura as Wanda laughs "Is this boring to you?"

"No no no!" I look at Wanda who looks upset now and sit back in the chair "Can I get a redo?"

I'm met with a glare from both girls. I sigh and slide down the chair. This is not going to go well for me.

-Pepper pov-
"You don't know what I'm going through" I point at Clint "You still have your family I lost mine!"

"When the snap happened I lost them all" I feel guilt build forgetting that "I turned and lost myself but...a dear friend came and saved me from that and I lost that family member to get my real family back so I have lost my family Pepper but you haven't lost them all"


"You still have one member" the guilt is being replaced with anger "You still have someone who reminds you of him and I'm not talking about Peter"

"Watch your mouth Clint"

"You have a girl that loves what her father did and you can't stand it" he smirks "You still have family and you wish she was him! You wish she wasn't here and he was"

"SHUT UP!!!"

"You wish Morgan was Tony and that she wasn't here" I clench my fist together and he gets closer "You are so mad you lost him and so broken you don't realize any of this"

"SHUT UP!!" I tackled him down and start hitting him while tears fall "I know I'm horrible for wanting her and tony to be swapped! I know I'm losing my girl and I can't stand seeing her! I just see him every time and it hurts so much that I'm not ever seeing him again! I just want him back and I know....I know he's not coming back..I know I've lost him forever and instead of raising her I've made her suffer my hate for myself not being able to save him"

"Now it comes out" I look at him and see some blood coming from his lip and nose "Now how do we fix this?"

"I stop the drinking" he nods and smiles "I finally move on fully and give Morgan the life she deserves the real one"

"Way to go now" he chuckles "Can you let me up?"

-Bucky pov-
I've been sitting back and listening. I just want this to end. I like Wanda a lot but this is stupid.

"Care to give your input?" I look at Laura who has a raised eyebrow "Floor is yours Bucky and the only way out is the truth"

"You want the truth?" Laura nods and smiles "I like Wanda but this is stupid and outing it before a date is stupid I wanna get to know her the right way the old way!"

"And what does Wanda think?" I look at Wanda who's staring at me "Wanda?"

"I wanna go on a date with you" I smile and so does she "Why are we so afraid?"

"Because we've both lost so much that we don't wanna lose each other" I put my hand on hers "But I don't wanna be afraid anymore because I want you"

"I want you too" she smiles wide and looks at Laura "I think we've got this figured out thank you"

"It was my pleasure and I'd love to hear what happens"

-Peter pov-
We are at the part with the bomb. We have so many enemies attacking. We are running toward the bomb. I've completed this a couple of times but I'm not 100%.

"Let me get this" she takes off at the bomb before I can stop her so now I'm running after her "Don't worry I got this!"

"No stop" I see the leviathan heading straight toward her and the bomb, it's our special twist "Damnit!"

I web launch myself pushing her out of the way taking the brunt of the explosion and alien. The simulation ends and I'm laying on the ground. That was so stupid.

"I told you I had that!" I look at Faith who is mad "I didn't need Spider-Man saving me"

"Excuse me?" I get up the best I can and step toward her "You won't make it this team like that we are a TEAM and we work together you going lone gun isn't how it works! One person takes the leviathan and the other the bomb not one at the same time you're not Thor, Hulk, Tony, Captain Marvel, or your dad!"

"My dad beat them at the same time?" I see her face change and nod "Wow I never knew he could do that"

"He's one of the best" I smile "Can I ask you a question?"


"If you were pregnant and not a hero and your boyfriend was what would you feel if he was a hero and almost died a few times?"

"Wow tough one" I sigh "But id want him to leave and probably get mad and need some space but...If you really love each other you'll fight for each other right?"

"Yeah" I look at the time "I got some place to be"

I run out of the compound and start swinging. I need to make it to the appointment. I need to show I care and want this. I need her back in my life. I don't care if it's not been long since she left it's been too long for me.

-Michelle pov-
I'm walking into the hospital when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see a out of breath guy. I shake my head and walk into the hospital.

"Wait!" I stop that sounded like "Mj please princess wait!"

"Peter?" I turn and smile seeing it's him but frown seeing the bruise "What happened? Why are you here you're hurt?!"

"I can't lose you I need you" he grabs my hand "We can raise this baby together boyfriend and girlfriend for now till we get older I don't care I just want you to I NEED YOU to stay!"

"Alright" he smiles and I laugh "Come on the appointment is starting"

We walk in hand in hand and this feels good. I know we still have stuff to talk about but for now...this is good. I'm ok with this.

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