Chapter 29

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-Michelle pov-
5's been 5 months. I have 4 more to go and I'm excited and terrified. Excited because I wanna be a family and I'm so happy it's with someone I love. Terrified because I'm still young and so is Peter and we still haven't fully discussed the future.

"Michelle?" I turn out of my thoughts and look at Morgan who's holding a book "I'm back from Uncle Clint's!"

"I see that!" I pick her up and sit her on my lap "What are you doing with the book?"

"Can you read it?" I know she's smart enough to read and she usually doesn't want read to unless it's by Peter or Happy "I want you to"

"Uh sure" I smile and start reading the book to her. At some point she snuggles into me and falls asleep "I think I'll join you"

I lay down as comfortable as I can in the chair and moves her beside my visible bump. She slowly moves a bit and scares me but when she settles down and starts to snore I smile. I fall asleep brushing my hand through her hair.

-Peter pov-
I look around the warehouse. I'm so close to the bomb when I feel something coming. I jump out of the way and see a trash can lid bouncing back at me. I jump again and land on a wall.

"10 minutes remain!" I look and see a light flashing and know it's the signal "10 minutes till explosion!"

I swing toward the bomb as a bait. I see a silver arm and a lid coming at me. I web the lid through it at the arm. I do a flip and see Wanda run straight for the bomb. Before I know it I'm tackled and so is she.

"We won!" I laugh and so does Wanda and the two guys who tackled us look confused "What?"

"Bomb diffused" They look and Lila by the bomb smiling "Team spider wins"

"Damnit!" Bucky gets up then helps me "We were so close to beating you!"

"Awww is the big baby upset?" We all laugh at Wandas comment and she walks up to him and smiles "Looks like it's my choice for date night"

"Ouch man" Sam laughs and pats him on the back "You got schooled"

"Sam! Bucky! Avengers!" We all turn toward the door and see a blonde girl there "I've been trying to locate you and when Pepper finally gave up the...what's going on?"

"Training" Sam walks up to her "What you need Carter?"

"Sound mad"

"Can you blame me?!" He steps closer "You didn't go to...You weren't there and I bet you haven't visited"

"Visited who?" I look around and see everyone look away and a confused Lila "Who!"

"Steve" It's my turn to be mad and confused "We put him in a secret home"

"Why wasn't I told?" Sam doesn't look at me and I scoff "I'm still a kid to you"

"You got a girl pregnant as a teen" he turns around "Not exactly screaming smart or man"

"At least I've got someone who loves me!" I see him tense up "When was the last time you even visited him?"

I swing away from the warehouse for home. On the way I see Pepper and May at a store. I go into a alley, change, and go in. I look around and see it's got all kinds of jeweler and rings.

"Any of these look good?" I turn and see May looking at pepper "Any ideas of anything you'd like?"

"May" Pepper puts her head on Mays shoulder "We got all the time in the world and all I want is something plain"

"But I finally got a job and wanna spoil my girl" Pepper laughs "What do you think would look good on her Peter?"

"Ah!" I jump as May turns around smiling and Pepper confused "How did you?"

"I've lived with you for years it's practically a what's it called?" May thinks then smiles "Oh yeah Peter Tingle?"

"That's what Michelle calls it" I roll my eyes and walk up to them "So you looking for rings?"

"Not like that Peter...I mean I love May and possibly later-I mean I'd love to now but" Pepper is starting to just go on a tangent "I would never wanna replace Ben in your life!"

"Pepper!" She closes her mouth and I laugh "I'm sure Ben would've loved meeting you and him and tony would be fine with this"

"Thank you" Pepper smiles and I see May smile too "how about we go home?"

"Sounds great" we start to walk out when a guy grabs May and Peppers purse "Hey!"

"I got him!" I run after him and he cuts through a alley that has a dead end "Hey man give it back!"

"I have to man" The boy looks afraid and confused "They are gonna kill me if I don't bring something back finally"

"Who's they?" I hear some footsteps and see some thugs walk up "Oh"

"Hey Danny you get some goods?" The boy nods his head and the biggest guy smiles "good"

"I think those goods are mine" They all look at me and I shake my head no cause I didn't speak "Up here!"

Above us is Sam in his Captain America Gear. The guys start to pull guns but her throws the shield and knocks them away easily. They all take off running and I secretly web the purses back.

"Nice grab kid" i look at Sam as he lands "I'm sorry for not telling you and what I said but..if you want Bucky and I are going tomorrow to see him you can come too"

"Thanks" he smiles and nods "And I'm sorry about what I said earlier you didn't deserve it I just got mad and that's still no excuse for the way I acted"

"We're good" he deploys his wings "I gotta go back and make sure Bucky is ready see you tomorrow"

I wave bye and watch him fly off. I walk back to May and Pepper and give them the purses. We walk back to home and the sight we see at least for me is heart melting. It's Michelle holding Morgan, both have messy hair, both asleep, both have smiles, and Morgan is slightly above the bump and has one hand on it with one of Michelle's on hers.

"Guess there's motherly instinct in her after all" I nod smiling "Let's leave them be"

I hear them walk away and slowly move over to them. I quietly open the rollaway couch and move them onto it. Michelle slowly stirs and I just wrap my arms around her and Morgan. She falls back asleep and I fall closely after.

-May pov-
I walk back out to the living room and see the kids asleep. I smile and pull out my camera and take a photo. This is all I could've asked for. Peter is happy and with someone who loves and cares about him. And I'm gonna be a grandma soon.

I don't think anything could be anymore perfect.

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