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I refresh the web page a few times just to make sure that the balance online is correct. My heart drops as the amount remains the same, I have £4.82 to my name. I knew that being on my own would be hard while I was at university but I didn't realise that I would go broke so quickly. I wouldn't be getting another paycheck for 4 days and even with that it just covered my rent and a little bit of my food. My family had their own financial stress to worry about so I couldn't exactly ask them for money.

However, I don't have much time to dwell on this as I can't be late for my next lecture or else I will get in a lot of trouble. I stand up from the seated position in my bed and pull on a white blouse and a pair of black jeans. I have yet to do my laundry in the damp laundry room in the basement of my building and these are the only clean pair of pants I have. I take a quick look in the mirror before I leave, my long brown hair is a bit of a mess so I pull it into a tight bun to bring it out of my face. To be honest, I could have put more effort into how I looked and if I did, I probably wouldn't look too bad. The thought of makeup was intimidating as I had no clue how to use the stuff, I wouldn't even know where to begin. I sigh and grab my shoulder bag, ensuring that my laptop was inside as well as my books before making sure to lock the door behind me and head down the street.

Immediately I can tell that the jeans are a complete mistake, its the middle of summer in London and the heat on the backs of my legs makes me sweat all the more. The university campus is only a few streets away so its easy to walk there, I have no choice as I don't have a car and I personally don't like the busses here. I quicken my pace as the final few students enter the stuffy lecture hall and take their seats, I hurry up the back and sit down next to my good friend Heather.

"Hey gorgeous" She smiles as I put down my stuff next to hers on the floor, grabbing out my books.

"Hey girl, new bag?" I whisper smiling back at her. She nods grinning and reaches down to feel the material of her obviously designer red leather tote bag. It's beautiful, and the third new bag I've seen her with this month. In fact, most of her clothes are new and she even has a new watch that sparkles in certain lights.

"My daddy got it for me" She leans over in her seat to get closer to me. Her answer confuses me.

"Your father is a mechanic how could he afford all this?" I gesture towards her attire. I mean sure her father owned the mechanic's shop but surely they didn't make that much money right?

She laughs quietly, not worried about the lecturer at the front of the room who is answering someone's question, clearly oblivious to all the noise in the hall. "Not my father, my daddy" She grins at my confused reaction. "I'll explain after class" And with that, she turns her head forward and looks at the lecturer, who has cleared his throat and begun to speak to the rest of the room.

"What do you mean your daddy buys you this stuff?" I pull my bag over my shoulder and quicken my pace trying to keep up with her long confident strides, her heels clicking each time she hits the pavement.

"You can't judge me when I tell you okay?" She asks quietly as we sit down on the steps of the library. I nod quickly, why would I judge her? I pull my jacket tighter around my body as a cool chill brushes past me.

She sighs quietly. "Okay so basically I was in a tough spot for money a month ago and I saw an ad online for girls who need money. It's this totally legit agency, kind of like a matchmaking service. They take girls who need cash and older guys with money to spare and match them. It's like dating but you actually make money out of it." She takes in my shocked reaction which I have attempted to keep to a minimum. She hadn't even mentioned to me that she was dating anyone, let alone that it was someone older.

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