forty one

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A/N: I'm so sorrryyyy about the long gap between updates. Life outside of wattpad kinda became A LOT and I didn't want to write anything when my heart and head weren't in it. I love this story and I know a lot of you guys do too so I wasn't going to publish something half assed. Thank you for all your support. Love you guys like crazy.

"You are always such a surprise. You sure that was your first time?" Harry comments out of the blue, breaking the silence that had fallen between us. Us both trying to catch our breath after being reunited. If I had known that he was coming back early I would have at least shaved my legs, or cleaned the house, his museum is cluttered with my junk.

"Yes I'm sure" I let out a giggle in response. I still can't quite believe I've done it, and that it actually went well. Boy how embarrassed would I have been if he had said that he didn't want me to do it.

"What made you decide you wanted to?" Harry asks, his chest rising and falling in steady waves now even with the weight of my head lying on top of it. My eye level allows me to closely examine one of birds inked on his skin.

In truth it had been a mildly drunk discussion with Heather. She was pretty wicked drunk while I was on the way there, and she became pretty inquisitive about my sex life. Granted she always had been interested in it even when there wasn't one. But now I had one and I was nearly drunk so I gave her answers against my now sober better judgement. When I told her I didn't know what he 'tasted like' she encouraged me that it's something that men reaaallly love. And ever since she said that it had been nagging at me; why hadn't he asked me to? Did he want me to? Or was he getting someone else to do it? I don't want to lose him just because I'm not sexually adventurous. So I forced myself into asking if I could. And I'm quite happy with the result; he seemed happy and really it wasn't the worst thing in the world.

But instead of telling him this, I shrug. "I don't know, you always look after me so..." I trail off, tracing my index finger along the wing of the bird and feeling it carry me off.

"Well, you do look after me. I hope you didn't feel pressured" he replies quietly. I'm sure he isn't a huge fan of me tickling his chest with my soft touch but he doesn't make me stop.

"No of course not, I didn't feel any pressure at all" I reply, bringing my gaze up to meet his. He's never pressured me when it comes to sex; I've more felt pressure from him in other ways. Go here, do this, dress like that, behave like this. But that's not happened for a while, well there was that whole 'forget school come to New York' thing.

"How come you came back early?" I ask him after a moment or two. He's only back like a day and a bit early, but still. I hope nothing went wrong while he was over there.

"My last meeting got cancelled and so I just figured I would come back home. You miss me?" Harry flashes a wide grin down at me as I slowly nod my head.

"Of course I did, it's been a long week" I turn my chin upwards to look up at him. His head is propped up on a pillow, hair messy and somewhat clinging to his forehead. His bright green eyes are staring down at me, sending a warm chill through my core. I have missed him, but I think it was good for us to have some distance, I have to have at least a little bit of independence from him or else I might eventually go mad.

"And did you miss me?" I ask with a soft smile as Harry lifts up his hand and ticks some of my hair behind my ear, playing with the ends of it with his fingers absentmindedly.

"Yeah I did. You should have been there" He replies with a smile.

"Anymore trips in the upcoming future that I should be a aware of?" I ask him. It would be great if I could go on some of them with him, and I probably could if any of them were around the Christmas break. Or would that be weird? Me asking to spend Christmas with him? He probably has a big planned Christmas thing at his mum's house with all of his family. While I go to visit my mum and eat a crappy Christmas dinner made by the staff and watch TV quiz shows for the night.

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