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I would say that it never takes me very long to get ready; I don't normally do a lot of makeup or styling before I go out anywhere. Before I met Harry, I used to brush my hair and maybe apply a layer of mascara when I left the house. But now here I sit; in one of those Hollywood movie studio like chairs where I have been for the last hour and a half, with a team of three gathered around me getting me ready for this charity ball. I didn't know my face needed this much work done to it.

We decided to style my hair in long loose curls hanging down my back, but even with my slight natural curl assisting them it's taken both Marcus and David nearly an hour to bring it to a point that they are happy with. I'm afraid to touch it honestly, scared that it will feel spray painted onto my head. Those two have been talking up a racket behind me about their mutual friend Andrea and what the fuck is she doing with her life, they are both up in arms about it. Apparently her life choices have been driving them both crazy.

Anna is a lot less involved in their conversation and spends a lot of her time pursuing her lips at my face and giving my instructions on what to do with it. Eyes closed, eyes open, look up, look down. I don't think she's happy with the canvas she has been given to paint on, she hasn't smiled once since Harry left the room. She's probably wondering what the hell he is doing with someone like me when he could have anyone, and I find myself agreeing with her.

I haven't seen any of the progress that has been made as we've done this whole process without a mirror. Instead we've set up at the dining room table opposite one of the large windows. This is how I've occupied the time as I've been poked and prodded and sprayed, no amount of time could be enough to get used to this monumental view.

Surely the end must be in sight, I've watched the sun start to set on the horizon so I know the time to leave is quickly approaching. This is confirmed to me as Anna mumbles about being 'almost finished'. I watch her as she furrows her brows, spending an agonising two minutes deciding between three different coloured nude lipsticks that honestly to me look completely identical. She decides on one and begins to apply it, advising me that we are nearly all finished.

"And one last spray for us back here!" David enthusiastically says as Marcus' hand reaches over the top of my head to shield my face once again as I hear the now very familiar sound of a hairspray can. 

"All done, oh you look fabulous!" Both David and Marcus walk back into my view and Marcus coos softly. I guess Anna must have done a good job on my face, I guess I'll find out in a minute. Anna produces a mirror and holds it up, allowing me to take in my reflection.

I feel like I'm almost unrecognisable, all of my natural features are heightened and more prominent. My cheek bones are more prominent, my eyes are wider and brighter and my skin is smooth and blemish free. There is some kind of shimmering shadow across my eyelids and thin black lines wing out from the corners of my eyes.

Now I see why the boys have taken so long on my hair, they've done quite an amazing job with it. The spray they have been putting through my hair seems to have flakes of gold in it, that have no weaved through themselves through the loose curls. Not to toot my own horn, but I look a little bit like one of those Greek goddesses in paintings you'd find at the Portrait Gallery. I wish I could always feel like this.

"Wow, thank you. Thank you so much" I grin softly at my reflection before I turn back to thank them. All three of them have started to pack up all of their equipment, while I stand up from my seat and grab the dress by the hanger.

"Need help with the dress honey?" Marcus asks as he wraps the cord back around the hairdryer. I shake my head, the list is at my side and it's quite an easy one to slip in and out of.

"Well go pop it on babes, have fun tonight!" He leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek as both Anna and David say their goodbyes to me. There is a small powder room off to the side so I slip in there with the dress and my other items. Remembering our earlier conversation, I slip off my bra and leave on my thin underwear before I shimmy my body into the dress and zip it up. Now that I have the dress on I remember why I didn't feel the most secure in it, the material is quite thin and there is a serious risk of me exposing some side boob. I'm sure if I keep my arms by my sides and don't do any running or jumping we should be able to avoid that.

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