thirty seven

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I decide on wearing a little black dress to this event tonight. The hem rests against the middle of my thighs, the thin black material clingy to all my dips and curves. Normally parts of my body that I would want to hide, but that's all changed now.

One bus ride later, I'm sitting cross legged on the counter in Harry's bathroom, applying the finishing touches to my makeup while the curling iron heats up beside me. I'm applying the last dusting of eyeshadow when I hear the elevator arrive downstairs.

"You here bub?" I hear Harry call out from downstairs. I grin and call back to him.

"I'm upstairs!" I hear padded footsteps climbing the stairs before Harry's figure appears in the mirror behind me. His warm smile greets me as he crosses the floor over to where I sit. His suit jacket left abandoned on the bed, leaving him in a fresh white suit and black slacks. His hands find my hips as I bring the curling iron through my hair, careful not to burn my scalp as I do it.

"Hi" I mumble softly as he presses his lips against the back of my neck, smiling at me in the mirror. His eyes close as his lips make contact with my skin, squeezing my hips gently with his long fingers. I relax back into his body, feeling an instant wave of relief flow through me. I place the curling iron down and spin myself around on the counter, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. Despite my added height of sitting on the counter, his body still towers over my own.

"Hey you, you alright?" Harry half chuckles as he wraps his arms around my waist, returning the hug before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I rest my head on his shoulder for a moment before I pull back, peering up at him through my thick mascara filled lashes.

"Yeah I'm okay, just talking with Heather made me a bit emotional I guess. Her relationship isn't doing too well, just makes me grateful for ours" I mumble quietly, feeling a little clingy as soon as the words fall out of my mouth. Harry doesn't seem to mind though, returning a gentle smile as he tucks some loosely curled strands of hair behind my ear.

"She did the angel club too right?" He asks curiously, keeping one of his hands on my hip as he talks to me. I nod.

"Yeah, quite the different situation though. He's married, so it's uh, it's a little more complicated" i know I probably shouldn't be splurging all of Heathers personal business to Harry but I mean, it's Harry. And it's bothering me, and if it's bothering me I want him to know. He doesn't appear to judge her, he just nods along understandingly.

"So it's more of just a money and sex relationship?" I nod in response. He shrugs his shoulders, tilting his head to the side. "Yeah I know a couple of guys who have that sort of thing. It's not something I agree with. I know I'm no angel with my past relationships because I've done similar things, but not the cheating part, that's messed up to me"

I smile and nod my head in response. "Yeah I agree, I guess that's why she didn't tell me when it all started because I would have told her not to. But now he's made all sorts of promises he isn't going to keep and she's sort of stuck" I sigh softly.

"Sorry I know this is boring, she's just like my sister, and it's bothering me that she's going through this." I apologise, running my hand gently through the bottom of his hair.

"Bub that's okay, it's bothering you so I want to know about it. I get that you want to help her out, but it sounds like a problem she's got to get herself out of on her own" He replies sympathetically. He's right, there's not a whole lot I can do to help her except give her advice and support. I nod my head before turning my lips upwards into a smile.

"Thank you. Now anyway tell me about your day" I grin at him as he lets out a soft sigh, tilting his head upwards to the ceiling for a moment before bringing it back down to softly smile at me.

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