thirty two

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"We should probably head back downstairs" I mumble into Harry's chest, which moves in a quiet chuckle.

"Yeah sure" he replies, helping me slide off the desk. I hunt around the desk looking for my panties, panicking a little bit when I don't find them straight away.

"Did you see where my panties went?" I ask Harry as I crouch down on my knees to check if they slid under the desk. I look up at him when he doesn't respond and find him grinning softly. I shake my head and stand up, holding my hand out.

"Give them back" I demand. Harry rolls his eyes and takes my panties out of his back pocket, handing them to me with a pout. "Such a pervert" I smirk, leaning my hand on his shoulder as I shuffle back into the flimsy material.

"Hey easy, I just like the idea of you walking around panty-less. Is that a crime?" He half chuckles, straightening out his shirt once I have both feet back on the ground.

"When I'm at your families house? Really?" I ask him, raising my eyebrow ever so slightly. He shrugs with a soft smirk.

"Doesn't really matter where, you're hot and I like what I like" he responds cooly. I turn my head and roll my eyes before leaning forward and examining a cork board sitting above there desk. It's littered with old movie stubs and concert tickets.

"You went to a Nickleback concert?" I smile cheekily at him as he shuffles in his spot.

"My friend made me go, said there would be free beer" he shrugs.

"And that's why it's sitting so proudly on your cork board?" I tilt my head as he shakes his, clearly not fond of my teasing despite the shy grin on his face. A knock at the door shakes us both. Harry gives me a warning look saying 'be cool' as he walks over to the door and opens it up. Gemma stands on the other side, smirking widely and folding her arms after spotting the two of us.

"Well well well, what are we doing in here?" Her voice purrs, her body learning itself in the door frame to prevent Harry from shutting it again.

"I was just making fun of Harry for having a ticket to a Nickleback concert" I interject before Harry can make an excuse. I really hope his sister doesn't know what we were doing just five short minutes ago.

Gemma grins. "That's right! You were so excited for that concert" she gestures to Harry, who's glaring at her. She shrugs and keeps smiling. "Anyway, lunch is ready. You might want to hurry before there's none left" she tells us before she departs back down the stairs. Harry slowly turns to me.

"Shall we?"

"One last question" I hold up a finger and walk over to his neatly made bed and pick up the soft brown bear sitting neatly on top. "Who's this little guy?" I ask him grinning widely. It warms my heart that Harry had a little bear friend through his childhood. He hasn't always been harsh and tough, he's had a soft side since he was a kid, and this bear could have represented a lot of it. I'm desperate to know more.

He shakes his head. "He's no one, purely for decoration. He has no name" he says as he walks towards me slowly.

"Oh come on, every bear has a name, just tell me pleeeaseee" I pout out my bottom lip and bat my eyelashes as he stands before me. I clutch the bear to my chest, his soft fur tickling underneath my chin.

Harry sighs as he stands in front of me, attempting to tug the bear out of my grasp with a gentle pull. His eyes are alight with humour despite his stern expression. He doesn't always have to be a tough man around me, I'd much rather he wasn't like that at all. I love it when he's just sweet and goofy, ready to tell me stories about his past, open to letting me into his life. That's the Harry I relate to the most, he's the one I can best understand. That's the side of him that cares for me and needs to make sure that I know it, the side that agrees to go on dates he might not like because he knows I'll love them.

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